Essential Orthopaedics 5th Edition

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Essential Orthopaedicsis the fifth edition of this highly illustrated resource, ideal for undergraduate revision.
Each of the 48 chapters has been thoroughly revised and updated, and an MCQs section has been added to the end of each chapter to aid revision. The chapters begin with a brief review of the relevant anatomy, before discussing basic principles and treatment, with various methods and their indications.
The broad range of topics includes anatomy of bone and fracture healing, deformities and their management, bone tumours, spinal injuries and degenerative disorders. Orthopaedic injuries to specific parts of the body are given individual chapters, for example injuries around the elbow, and injuries to the leg, ankle and foot.
Essential Orthopaedicsprovides a chapter on recent advances in the treatment of fractures, offering the most up-to-date information in this constantly changing field. Presenting a practical approach to various common emergencies, enhanced by sections on orthopaedic terminology and over 380 full colour images and illustrations, this book is an invaluable revision resource for undergraduate medical students.
Key Points
- Fifth Edition of orthopaedic revision resource
- Previous edition published 2012 (9788184655421)
- MCQ and terminology sections to aid revision
- 382 full colour images and illustrations
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