Essential Med Notes 2014: 30th Edition

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The Essential Med Notes 2014 is an up-to-date, concise and comprehensive review textbook covering 29 medical specialties across over 1300 pages. It is revised annually by 150+ medical graduates from the University of Toronto under the guidance of expert medical faculty. This book prepares medical students for the USMLE Step 2 CK and for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination. Over the past 30 years, Essential Med Notes has been the most trusted essential study resource for medical students in Canada and around the world.
The Essential Med Notes team is proud to celebrate the 30th Anniversary Edition of the highly successful textbook. This 2014 edition features:
- a high-yield review text with in-depth coverage of 29 medical specialties over 1300 pages
- a new layout across all 29 chapters for enhanced readability
- redesigned book layout featuring new in-text icons and illustrations throughout the text
- Up-to-date Evidence Based Medicine sections and high-impact clinical trial summaries
- content updates across the main text, figures, graphics and evidence based medicine sectionsThis 30th edition is the premier resource in preparation for MCCQEI and USMLE Step 2 objectives.
Here is what our customers have to say:
“I like [the text] because I feel it is complete enough to use on its own, and it greatly simplifies the review and study processes. It provides a concise, easy to read, comprehensive summation of all relevant material, and I feel it to be a trustworthy source of information.”
– Senior Medical Student, Ireland, EU“The single resource you need to EXCEL in the wards.”
– Graduating Medical Student, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, New York“I think [the text] prepared me well for the wards, and the oral exams I took. It is effective for shelf exams preparation. [It]is an excellent resource to have a detailed overview of the many subjects that I will not be seeing on an everyday basis.”
Download this book free here
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