Esophageal Cancer: Prevention, Diagnosis and Therapy 1st ed. 2015 Edition

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This book reviews the recent progress made in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of esophageal cancer. Epidemiology, molecular biology, pathology, staging, and prognosis are first discussed. The radiologic assessment of esophageal cancer and the role of endoscopy in diagnosis, staging, and management are then described. The principles of surgical resection, radiation therapy, and systemic chemotherapy for esophageal cancer are explained, and particular attention is paid to the multidisciplinary management of early-stage cervical, thoracic, distal, and junctional tumors. Up-to-date information is also provided on the treatment of metastatic and recurrent disease and on approaches that may affect future care, such as chemoprevention. Esophageal cancer remains one of the least studied cancers although it accounts for more than 400,000 deaths across the globe each year. The majority of esophageal cancers worldwide are squamous cell carcinomas, yet in the past few decades major epidemiologic changes have occurred affecting the incidence of adenocarcinomas in Western countries. Despite the advances in surgical and non-surgical therapies, overall survival has not changed significantly. It is hoped that Esophageal Cancer: Prevention, Diagnosis and Therapy will assist specialists from a variety of disciplines, including surgery, radiation therapy, gastroenterology, and medical oncology, in delivering optimal, up-to-date care to the benefit of patients.
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