Epigenetics in Precision Medicine (Volume 30)

Epigenetics in Precision Medicine (Volume 30)

Epigenetics in Precision Medicine (Volume 30)

In recent years, knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms underlying disease onset and progression has proven crucial for the development of novel early diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers for patient stratification and precision medicine. Epigenetics in Precision Medicine, a new volume in the Translational Epigenetics series, provides a thorough discussion and overview of current developments in clinical epigenetics with special emphasis on epigenetic biomarkers that can be used for clinical diagnosis, prognosis, patient stratification, and treatment monitoring. Disease types discussed include cancer, metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, bone disease, and immune-related disorders. The book examines the challenges of advancing epigenetics research and translating findings to the clinic and drug discovery in each of these areas, as well as current solutions; chapter authors discuss how to leverage epigenomic technologies, applications, and tools, such as next-generation sequencing, to discover new epigenetic biomarkers in disease and drug studies.

Epigenetics in Precision Medicine focuses on complex epigenetic mechanisms in several pathologies, and explores how epigenetics can power the advance of precision medicine, not only by improving in vitro diagnostic and prognostic tools, but by providing new therapeutic approaches to treat human disease.





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