Endoscopy of the Upper GI Tract: A Training Manual

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While technological advances have made endoscopy one of the most common procedures for examining the upper GI tract, learning how to maneuver the instruments and interpret the images can be frustrating for those without experience. Designed specifically for those in training, Endoscopy of the Upper GI Tract — with over 770 illustrations and a user-friendly format — is the most comprehensive, instructional guide available.

Beginning with a detailed introduction to all aspects of the endoscopic examination, this lavishly illustrated guide features:

-Clear descriptions and images of all of the instruments, including how and when to use them

-Artfully combined photographs and 3D illustrations showing the exact location of the endoscope in relation to the anatomy of the immediate region

-Step-by-step instructions for handling the endoscope, such as insertion, air insufflation, and irrigation

-Useful checklists and tables that lay out the procedures from beginning to end, including preparations, necessary medication and anesthesia, required staff and supplemental equipment, and potential risks and complications

The book also encompasses a complete full-color atlas that illustrates the entire spectrum of both normal and pathological findings. In addition to detailed explanations of each finding, the authors provide

-The endoscopic criteria and the most important differential diagnoses for each disorder

-Series of images showing common variants, as well as comparison photographs of differential diagnoses

-Useful guidelines for proper documentation

This guide is essential for anyone wishing to master the subtleties of this most rewarding technique.




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