Endoscopy in Liver Disease 1st Edition

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Liver disease is an increasingly common cause of mortality, and its management is often complex and challenging. Endoscopy has in recent times undergone a period of rapid progress, with numerous novel and specialized endoscopic modalities that are of increasing value in the investigation and management of the patient with liver disease. As the technology in endoscopy expands, both as a diagnostic and interventional procedure, so does the role of the endoscopist in liver disease.

This full colour book and companion website offer a comprehensive guidance as to when, why, and how to perform endoscopy to best manage your patients.

  • Brings together two key areas – liver disease and endoscopy – into one expert clinical textbook
  • Covers the entire spectrum of clinical problems that gastroenterologists and endoscopists face while managing patients with liver disease
  • Includes the latest management guidelines from the key international societies, such as the  ASGE, AASLD, EASL and BSG
  • Well illustrated with over 150 high-quality colour images
  • 11 high-quality videos illustrating optimum endoscopy practice, all clearly referenced in the text


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