Differential Diagnosis of Cardiopulmonary Disease: A Handbook

Differential Diagnosis of Cardiopulmonary Disease: A Handbook

Differential Diagnosis of Cardiopulmonary Disease: A Handbook

This clinical handbook is designed to aid with the fast and accurate diagnosis of cardiopulmonary disease. Chapters are structured to support the clinical decision-making process and cover key points such as differential diagnosis, typical and atypical presentation, co-morbidities, and critical steps that should not be missed. The text also outlines time-dependent interventions, overall principles of treatment, and disease course. Abundant images and links to external audio and video resources reinforce understanding. Although the chapters are organized to provide ready access to essential information, the scope of the book is comprehensive and addresses topics including acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, primary and secondary lung diseases, and relevant upper gastrointestinal and neuromuscular diseases.  Both adult and pediatric considerations are presented.


The book is intended for diagnosticians in emergency medicine, critical care, inte

rnal medicine, primary care, and related fields. Medical students, residents, and other medical professionals will appreciate the concise and clear approach.





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