Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment

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Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment provides a comprehensive systems-based review of non-gynecological cytology including cytomorphology, pitfalls and ancillary studies, presented in a high-yield format with board-type multiple choice questions and detailed answers. It provides an excellent review, resource and self-assessment for pathologists, cytopathologists and cytotechnologists, as well as trainees (pathology residents, cytopathology fellows and cytotechology students) who are preparing for board examinations or in-service examinations, in addition to those who are looking to fine-tune their cytology diagnostic skills. The volume is organized in a systems-based format including chapters covering lung, lymph nodes, pancreas, liver, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, salivary gland, central nervous system, soft tissue and bone, kidney, adrenal, retroperitoneal and exfoliative cytology of urine, serous fluids and CSF. This book is enriched with the following features to maximize studying and review of cytopathology” HIGH YIELD REVIEW: Concise high-yield review with tables emphasizing key points, useful criteria and important concepts to maximize your score on board examinations and your diagnostic knowledge of exfoliative and aspiration cytopathology. BOARD EXAM-TYPE QUESTIONS: Over 800 board exam-type questions covering all areas of non-gynecological cytology with emphasis on cytomorphology, diagnostic pitfalls and ancillary studies, including detailed answers with in-depth discussions and key references from the literature and major cytopathology text books. HIGH QUALITY FULL-COLOR IMAGES: Over 600 high-quality full-color photomicrographs, including images of immunohistochemical stains and other ancillary studies performed.




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