Current Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetrics & Gynecology, Eleventh Edition

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Current Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetrics & Gynecology, Eleventh Edition
For more than 70 years, professors, students, and clinicians have trusted LANGE for high-quality, current, concise medical information in a convenient, affordable, portable format. Whether for coursework, clerkships, USMLE prep, specialty board review, or patient care, there’s a LANGE book that guarantees success.
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11e is a concise, yet comprehensive textbook on the medical and surgical management of obstetrics and gynecology. It succinctly covers more than 1,000 diseases and disorders,the latest screening guidelines, and underlying pathophysiology when relevant. The eleventh edition is enriched by contributions from more than 85 world-renowned contributors
- Thoroughly reviews all of obstetrics and gynecology
- Focuses on the practical aspects of clinical diagnosis and patient management
- Covers pathophysiology when relevant to diagnosis and treatment
- Emphasizes disease prevention and evidence-based medicine
- Includes more than 500 anatomic drawings, image studies, and diagrams
- Completely updated to reflect the latest research and advances
- Consistent presentation includes Clinical Findings, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Complications and Prognosis
- Quick-access design facilitates use at the point of care
- Updated to include the latest screening and management guidelines
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