CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Nephrology & Hypertension, 2nd Edition
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Nephrology & Hypertension, 2nd Edition

CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Nephrology & Hypertension, 2nd Edition
Presented in the consistent, easy-to-follow CURRENT format, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Nephrology & Hypertension, Second Edition delivers incisive, ready-to-use management protocols and valuable therapeutic guidelines from authors who are recognized as the field’s foremost authorities. This essential clinical companion features a practical learn-as-you-go approach to diagnosing and treating renal disorders and hypertension that combines disease management techniques with the latest proven therapies.
•NEW! Chapter-ending clinically based Q&A
•NEW CHAPTERS include The Kidney in Malignancy, Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD), Palliative Care Nephrology, and Clinical Pharmacology and the Kidney
•Fifty-nine chapters deliver a one-of-a-kind overview of all major diseases and disorders, from end-stage renal disease to primary and secondary hypertension
•Emphasizes the clinical aspects of kidney care, while also providing comprehensive discussion of pathophysiology and relevant basic and clinical science
•Includes an important review of subspecialty considerations: dialysis, transplantation, critical care nephrology, interventional nephrology, palliative care nephrology, clinical renal pharmacology, as well as a new area of specialization – onco-nephrology
•Consistently formatted chapters make it easy to locate the essential information you need on diagnosis, testing, disease processes, and the latest treatment and management strategies
•Valuable as a clinical refresher or for board review
•Strikes the perfect balance between clinical necessity and brevity
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