CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, Twenty-Second Edition (Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment)

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The most up-to-date, easy-to-use guide to the diagnosis, understanding, and treatment of the medical problems of children from birth through adolescence
For more than 70 years, professors, students, and clinicians have trusted LANGE for high-quality, current, concise medical information in a convenient, affordable, portable format. Whether for coursework, clerkships, USMLE prep, specialty board review, or patient care, there’s a LANGE book that guarantees success.
All topics thoroughly updated with the latest research and findings.
- Organized by general topics and by organ systems
- Provides concise, evidence-based information on a wide range of pediatric medical conditions most often encountered in daily clinical practice
- Includes detailed descriptions of diseases as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- Presented in the time-saving LANGE CURRENT style: Problem, Essentials of Diagnosis, Clinical Findings, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis
- Features numerous tables and figures that provide quick access to important information such as acute and critical care procedures in the clinic, emergency room, and critical care unit
- Delivers succinct, authoritative overviews of important pediatric health concerns such as childhood nutrition and eating disorders, substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, child abuse, oral medicine and dentistry, immunization, and emergencies and injuries
- Complete with valuable guide to normal laboratory values
Download this book free here
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