Core Clinical Cases in Paediatrics: a problem-solving approach 1st Edition

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Core Clinical Cases guides you to think of the patient as a whole, rather than as a sequence of unconnected symptoms. With its practical approach strongly linked to underlying theory, the series integrates your knowledge with the realities of managing clinical problems, and provides a basis for developing problem-solving skills.
The core areas of undergraduate study are covered in a logical sequence of learning activities: each case is followed by a detailed answer, along with a number of OSCE-style questions to help you practise for the exam. Related OSCE counselling style questions and answers also feature at the end of each section.
Key concepts and important information are highlighted, and the reader-friendly layout reflects exactly the type of question you will encounter, making the perfect revision aid for all types of case-based examination.
Core Clinical Cases in Paediatrics provides the reader with a highly structured case history text wholly appropriate for all types of case-based examination. Fully comprehensive the book covers all aspects of the course from neonatal examination and potential problems to developmental issues, medical conditions and behavioural problems.
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