Core Anatomy – Illustrated 1st Edition

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‘Core Anatomy – Illustrated’ is a concise new atlas of human anatomy for medical and allied healthcare undergraduates, postgraduate trainees, and teaching staff. It presents the key anatomical knowledge necessary for clinical practice, at a level that is compatible with current core curricula, whether traditional or systems-based.
Presenting beautifully photographed prosections of extraordinary clarity, this succinct volume comprises 71 easy-to-read double-page spreads. The combination of concise text on the left with labelled illustration and key on the right, offers a quick, accurate reference guide to human anatomy.
Written by Professor Ian Parkin, Mr Bari Logan and Mr Mark McCarthy, who between them have over 75 years experience of teaching, examining and preparing human anatomical material, ‘Core Anatomy – Illustrated’ covers the human body, both male and female, literally from head to toe. The content of the book has been carefully selected as the most essential ‘end view’ level of dissected anatomy that medical, paramedical, and surgical practitioners must be familiar with to practise safely and effectively.
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