Complications in Pediatric Surgery 1st Edition

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Addressing the need of pediatricians and pediatric surgeons for a one-stop, comprehensive text on pediatric surgery, Complications in Pediatric Surgery covers each case a physician may encounter upon treating the pediatric surgical patient, from fetus to adolescent.
Complications in Pediatric Surgery provides separate and concise chapters, each of which concentrates on a specific area of the body. The chapters highlight common surgical errors and complications, as well as the approaches and techniques to be used in the face of such complications.
Including key expert opinions in each section, this text explores following therapeutic areas:
- head and neck surgery
- thoracic and chest wall surgery
- extracorporeal life support
- fetal surgery
- abdominal wall and hernia surgery
- intestinal and vascular access
- esophageal surgery
- stomach, duodenum, and small intestine
- colon and anorectal surgery
- appendicitis
- hepatobiliary surgery
- surgery of the spleen
- oncologic surgery
- laparoscopic and thorascopic surgery
- pediatric trauma
- transplantation
- urologic surgery
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