Complications in Foot and Ankle Surgery: Management Strategies 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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Comprehensive, current and insightful, this well-illustrated text is devoted to the detailed management of common but often challenging complications that all foot and ankle surgeons encounter in their practice. Opening with a discussion of the “anatomy” of a complication, the book is divided into five thematic sections – perioperative, forefoot, first ray, midfoot/hindfoot and ankle – with each chapter detailing the development and evolution of both major and minor complications, the evaluation and decision-making involved, and the best surgical management techniques for each. Perioperative topics covered include surgical infection, venous thromboembolism, and incisional complications, with the subsequent sections detailing complications following specific conditions, such as hallux valgus, calcaneal fractures, and the Charcot foot, among many others.

Boasting a diverse and experienced authorship and Editors who are past Presidents of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Complications in Foot and Ankle Surgery is a unique and timely resource for foot and ankle surgeons worldwide who treat these challenging conditions.



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