Common Surgeries Made Easy: A Quick Guide for Residents and Medical Students
Common Surgeries Made Easy: A Quick Guide for Residents and Medical Students

Common Surgeries Made Easy
There are about 1,300 general surgery residency spots a year in the US alone. In addition, 20,000 medical students rotate through surgery a year. With medical students and residents routinely scrubbing into surgeries that they’ve never seen or have only seen a handful of times, an easy, practical, to the point, user friendly reminder of the major steps of an operation is vital. It is not uncommon to see medical students and residents watching videos or searching online frantically to understand a common operation. This book serves as a practical guide for the resident to easily carry in their pocket, quickly skim through, and have the basic steps of every major operation at their fingertips.
Common Surgeries Made Easy is written in a bullet point format with clear illustrations to provide an easy to read, quick overview of the ‘core’ surgeries encountered during residency with some added advanced operations for extended use in the beginning stages of a medical career. Geared towards quick review for the oral board exams, this study guide caters specifically to the resident.
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