Oxford Handbook of Pre-Hospital Care (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 1st Edition


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The Oxford Handbook of Pre-hospital Medicine provides the reader with evidence-based advice on the assessment and management of pre-hospital care emergencies. Each section defines the important clinical features of the named condition, and includes boxes containing essential advice. The treatment section incorporated national and international guidelines and protocols where available, and reflects contemporary best practice. This handbook includes all medical and trauma conditions that are regularly encountered in an immediate care setting.



Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition


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Modern medicine is highly complex and investigations are a key part of the diagnostic process. With major advances in technology there are thousands of clinical and laboratory tests available. This book provides a patient-oriented approach to investigation. The first chapter describes key symptoms and signs along with tests that may be of value in reaching a diagnosis. The remainder of the book is specialty-centred and provides a comprehensive review of all available tests within a given subject. The aim is of the book is to provide a more rational method of investigation and prevent over-investigation which is expensive for the hospital and unpleasant for the patient. It emphasises which tests are of value, when tests are not likely to be helpful, along with pitfalls in the interpretation of results. This new editoon has been updated throughout to incorporate current investigations and management of disease. Chapters on rheumatology, radiology, and renal medicine have been extensively revised. With contributions from active clinicians who are engaged in medical practice, the book will be of value to senior medical students facing finals examinations, and junior doctors who are responsible for ordering tests on their patients.



Down Syndrome (The Facts Series)


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Down syndrome is a genetic condition which causes varying degrees of learning disability as well as other health problems. Nearly one baby in every 1000 born in the UK has the condition. Parents are often frightened and confused by the birth of a baby with Down syndrome, and they need reassurance as well as up-to-date information regarding the condition.

The new edition of this highly regarded book for parents of children with Down syndrome covers a number of important new developments in research and clinical practice that have occurred in the field in recent years. These include several newly recognised medical conditions that are known to occur more commonly in patients with Down syndrome, for example, glaucoma, gastrointestinal malformations, feeding difficulties, gastro-oesophageal reflux, coeliac disease, and diabetes. This expanded edition also includes new recommendations regarding routine health checks in line with those of the UK Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (UKDSMIG). Additionally the book covers new prenatal screening methods which have been developed to identify Down syndrome during pregnancy.



Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 9th Edition


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Now in its 25th year, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties has been revised and updated by a trusted author team to bring you practical, up-to-date clinical advice and a unique outlook on the practice of medicine. Twelve books in one, this is the ultimate guide to the core clinical specialties for students, junior doctors, and specialists.

This edition features a new and improved referencing system guided by a team of junior doctors, ensuring that the text is packed with valuable references to the most salient data and guidelines across the specialties. Each chapter has been updated on the advice of a team of specialists, to bring you everything you need for any eventuality on the ward or in the field. This essential handbook guides the reader through the management of an unprecedented spectrum of conditions and eventualties, from sexual health to major incident management. Compact and filled with high quality artwork, directions to further reading, and wise advice, this book is an ideal resource for revision and reference on the go.

With its companion volume, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties offers a unique perspective on the practice of medicine. Filled with wit, wisdom, and humanity, this book draws on literature, history, and personal experience to teach a philosophy of medicine that always puts the patient at the centre of compassionate care. It is a trustworthy companion for anyone with the spirit of self-improvement and a passion for their practice.



Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 2nd Edition


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Now fully updated for a second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy remains the indispensible guide to clinical pharmacy, providing all the information needed for practising and student pharmacists. Presenting handy practical guidance in a quick-reference, bullet-point format, it will supply the knowledge and confidence you need to provide a clinical pharmacy service.

The handbook includes information on controlled drugs, adverse drug reactions, interactions, communication skills, and confidentiality. It also features chapters on adherence, anaphylaxis, clinical trials, herbal medicines, patient management, pharmaceutical calculations, research, policy, and therapy related issues. Palliative care sections have been expanded to include symptom management and end-of-life pathways. Other new sections such as pharmacogenetics, thyroid disorders, and domiciliary oxygen therapy have been included. Complementing the current British National Formulary guidelines, the handbook gives prescribing points and linked concepts of relevance to clinical pharmacists. The content is evidence-based and contains a wealth of information from the authors’ many years of clinical pharmacy experience.



Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 9th Edition


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Now in its ninth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be the definitive pocket-friendly guide to medicine. The culmination over 25 years of experience at the bedside and in the community, this handbook is packed with practical advice, wit, and wisdom.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine presents clinical information in a clear way that makes it easy to revise, remember, and implement on the ward. It gives reliable advice on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, with clinical photographs and diagrams that bring theory to life. Uniquely for a medical text, this book weaves history, literature, art, and philosophy into its survey of medicine, casting new light on the specialties and encouraging the reader to see beyond the practical aspects of medicine and adopt a patient-centred approach to care.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine looks better than ever, with a more modern design and over 600 colour images and illustrations. The History and Examination chapter has been completely revamped with systematic flowcharts and new illustrations so that it better reflects real bedside practice. The index, cross-references, and references have been overhauled to make them even easier to use. Every chapter has been written with supervision from experts in each field to ensure accuracy, and updated to reflect relevant guidelines from the NHS, NICE, the Resuscitation Council and other key proffesional bodies.

Loved and trusted by generations of doctors, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be an indispensable companion for the practice of modern medicine.



Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 2nd Edition


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Fully updated and revised for its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skillsis the only truly comprehensive pocket guide to all aspects of history taking, physical examination, practical procedures, data interpretation, and communication skills. Packed with expert knowledge and practical guidance it gives realistic advice on coping with common situations.

The handbook is structured to allow rapid reference of key information, and to aid understanding with concise and practical clinical guidance. Full colour throughout, it includes over 140 detailed photographs and diagrams of all common examination skills to show you exactly what you need to do and the theory, practice and complications for each. More photos have been included, with over half completely new and specially produced for this edition. Each system chapter covers applied anatomy, history, examination, and the presentation of common and important disorders. Data interpretation covers the basics of x-rays, ECGs and other key areas. A new chapter on the eyes is included along with the sections on body language and non-verbal communication, and the section on practical procedures has been expanded. This handbook will help to ensure you have the confidence and skill to carry out an ‘A’ grade examination every time



Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 4th Edition


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The Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme returns for a new edition with clear and thorough clinical guidance and honest advice to help you excel in your first two years as a doctor.

This edition has been fully updated in line with the latest guidelines from NICE, Resuscitation Council UK, and the British Thoracic Society among others. This book gives you practical, step-by-step guidance on everything from neurological to gastroenterological presentations. Emergency presentations are highlighted in red and indexed on the inside front cover to give you fast access to the information you need. This edition also includes a fully revised chapter on pharmacopeia with references to the British National Formularly, as well as chapters on practical procedures and interpreting results.

The Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme is also a unique resource for things they don’t teach you at medical school about being a doctor and life on the wards. The authors have drawn on their own experiences and careful research to help you understand issues ranging from your pay and pension, stress and workplace relations, paperwork, and career development.

This is an excellent resource for Foundation Programme trainees and medical students preparing themselves for life as a doctor. With this pocket-sized guide at your side you’ll never be alone on the wards again.



Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford American Handbooks of Medicine) 2nd Edition


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The Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine Second Edition covers all areas of internal medicine and surgery, offering up-to-date advice on examination, diagnostic testing, common procedures, and in-patient care. Students, residents, nurses, and clinicians will find the handbook to be a succinct, comprehensive, and affordable introduction to clinical medicine in the popular format of the Oxford American Handbooks in Medicine series. The second edition includes a thorough updating of diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, updated information on key clinical trials, numerous new images, and new information on palliative care. This handbook has everything you need for on-the-spot access to evidence-based clinical management guidelines.



The Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice 1st Edition


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The role that the placebo effect plays in many treatments is clear: it not only plays a complimentary role in most treatments but it can sometimes be the only benefit of treatment. Brain imaging studies over the past decade have shown that placebo-treated patients undergo some of the same changes in brain activity as those treated with pharmacologically active substances. Yet this important component of healing is not yet harnessed in clinical settings.

The Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice brings together what we know about the mechanisms behind the placebo response, as well as the procedures that promote these responses, in order to provide a focused, and concise, overview on how current knowledge can be applied in treatment settings.

An introductory chapter documents the ubiquity and extent of the placebo response and discusses the history of the placebo response in relation to medical treatment. Several subsequent chapters focus on how placebos work and how the placebo effect can be enhanced. Expectation, conditioning and elements of the treatment situation are covered in separate chapters. The relationship between psychotherapy and placebo treatment is covered as is the ethics of deliberate use of the placebo effect. Because placebo effects are particularly prominent in some psychiatric conditions, particular attention is given to the role of the placebo response in psychiatric treatment. The final chapter summarizes what we currently know and offers concrete suggestions for how what we know of the placebo effect can be used to enhance the benefit of all treatments.



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