Clinical Audiology: An Introduction 3rd Edition

Clinical Audiology: An Introduction 3rd Edition

The third edition of Clinical Audiology: An Introduction provides a comprehensive enhancement of all the introductory material available in previous editions of this stimulating textbook. Students can gain an understanding of the scope of the field of audiology and feel prepared to dive deeper into the subject as they progress through their courses. This essential book, now with even more exciting content and features, focuses on the clinical nature of audiology to familiarize students with the many challenging questions encountered by an audiologist.

This textbook is intended primarily for beginning-level students in the fields of audiology and speech-language pathology. It is intended for the first major courses in audiology, whether it be at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Whether your goal is to pursue a career as an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist, Clinical Audiology: An Introduction, Third Edition is the most comprehensive, accessible book available to provide you with the clinical understanding to advance in your chosen field.





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