Cardiac Mapping 5th Edition

Cardiac Mapping 5th Edition

The expanded guide to cardiac mapping

The effective diagnosis and treatment of heart disease may vitally depend upon accurate and detailed cardiac mapping. However, in an era of rapid technological advancement, medical professionals can encounter difficulties maintaining an up-to-date knowledge of current methods. This fifth edition of the much-admired Cardiac Mapping is, therefore, essential, offering a level of cutting-edge insight that is unmatched in its scope and depth.

Featuring contributions from a global team of electrophysiologists, the book builds upon previous editions� comprehensive explanations of the mapping, imaging, and ablation of the heart. Nearly 100 chapters provide fascinating accounts of topics ranging from the mapping of supraventricular and ventriculararrhythmias, to compelling extrapolations of how the field might develop in the years to come. In this text, readers will find:

Full coverage of all aspects of cardiac mapping, and imaging
Explorations of mapping in experimental models of arrhythmias
Examples of new catheter-based techniques
Access to a companion website featuring additional content and illustrative video clips
Cardiac Mapping is an indispensable resource for scientists, clinical electrophysiologists, cardiologists, and all physicians who care for patients with cardiac arrhythmias.



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