Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside, 6e

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Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside puts the latest knowledge in this subspecialty at your fingertips, giving you a well-rounded, expert grasp of every cardiac electrophysiology issue that affects your patient management. Drs. Zipes, Jalife, and a host of other world leaders in cardiac electrophysiology use a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to guide you through all of the most recent cardiac drugs, techniques, and technologies.
- Get well-rounded, expert views of every cardiac electrophysiology issue that affects your patient management from preeminent authorities in cardiology, physiology, pharmacology, pediatrics, biophysics, pathology, cardiothoracic surgery, and biomedical engineering from around the world.
- Visually grasp and easily absorb complex concepts through an attractive full-color design featuring color photos, tables, flow charts, ECGs, and more!
- Integrate the latest scientific understanding of arrhythmias with the newest clinical applications, to select the right treatment and management options for each patient.
- Stay current on the latest advancements and developments with sweeping updates and 52 NEW chapters – written by many new authors – on some of the hottest cardiology topics, such as new technologies for the study of the molecular structure of ion channels, molecular genetics, and the development of new imaging, mapping and ablation techniques.
- Get expert advice from Dr. Douglas P. Zipes – a leading authority in electrophysiology and editor ofBraunwald’s Heart Disease and the Heart Rhythm Journal – and Dr. Jose Jalife – a world-renowned leader and researcher in basic and translational cardiac electrophysiology.
- Access the full text online at Expert Consult, including supplemental text, figures, tables, and video clips.
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