Cardiac Arrhythmias: Interpretation, Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition
Cardiac Arrhythmias: Interpretation, Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition

Cardiac Arrhythmias: Interpretation, Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition
For 25 years, Medical Book has been the go-to guide for non-specialists seeking a solid foundation in electrophysiology and its relationship to treating arrhythmias. Now, the pioneer and father of modern clinical electrophysiology, Eric Prystowsky, teams up with globally renowned experts to bring this landmark guide fully up to date.
In clear, engaging language, this medical book delivers everything you need to know about the practical application of electrophysiological principles. It covers basic electrocardiographic observations and clinical electrophysiologic correlates, including in-depth discussions of cardiac conduction, and provides a close look at specific arrhythmias, with diagnostic information from patient history, physical examination, lab tests, and therapy approaches. Subsequent chapters explore common clinical presentations of arrhythmias, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic modalities.
Whether you’re an internist, family practitioner, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner, the integrated approach of Cardiac Arrhythmias will help you deliver the highest-quality care to every patient.
• NEW technologies, including implantable cardiac electrical devices and a wide range of catheter ablation procedures
• NEW figures and information that clearly illustrate important concepts
• Drugs used for cardiac arrhythmia treatment
• NEW extensive discussions on the fundamentals of treatment, diagnosis, and management
• NEW clinical trials and cases
• NEW and classic articles provided for each chapter
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