Body MRI, 1e 1st Edition

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This practical new reference offers accessible, straightforward guidance on using MRI to evaluate diseases of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. More than 1,050 superb imaging examples capture the appearance of normal anatomy as well as the pathologic entities most commonly encountered in practice. Key points boxes in each chapter make clinical guidance easy to find and apply.
- Examines the MR imaging findings associated with both normal anatomy and common disease entities in the liver · pancreas, bile ducts, and gallbladder · spleen · adrenal glands · kidneys · peritoneum and retro¬peritoneum · female pelvis · male pelvis · bladder · and breast, providing all of the guidance needed to formulate specific diagnoses and to accurately stage neoplasms.
- Includes a chapter on MR angiography.
- Uses more than 1,050 high-quality MR images to clearly demonstrate every concept.
- Offers numerous summary boxes that display important information at a glance.
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