Bioengineering for Surgery: The Critical Engineer Surgeon Interface 1st Edition

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Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles to address challenges in the fields of biology and medicine encompassing the principles of engineering design to the full spectrum of living systems. In surgery, recent advances in minimal invasive surgery and robotics are the culmination of the work that both engineers and surgeons have achieved in the medical field through an exciting and challenging interface. This interface rests on the medical curiosity and engineering solutions that lead eventually to collaboration and development of new ideas and technologies. Most recently, innovation by surgeons has become a fundamental contribution to medical research in the surgical field, and it is through effective communication between surgeons and biomedical engineers and promoting collaborative initiatives that translational research is possible. Bioengineering for Surgery explores this interface between surgeons and engineers and how it leads to innovation processes, providing clinical results, fundraising and prestige for the academic institution. This book is designed to teach students how engineers can fit in with their intended environment and what type of materials and design considerations must be taken into account in regards to medical ideas.
- introduces engineers to basic medical knowledge
- provides surgeons and medical professionals with basic engineering principles that are necessary to meet the surgeons’ needs
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