ANAC’s Core Curriculum For HIV / AIDS Nursing 3rd Edition

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The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) presents the essential information needed by every nurse working with HIV/AIDS patients in any setting. The text provides an educational framework for HIV/AIDS clinical content and serves those preparing for specialty certification in HIV/AIDS training. The text covers: A) Infection, transmission, and prevention B) Clinical management of a variety of patient types C) Symptomatic conditions and symptom management D) Special populations E) Psychosocial concerns for patients. ANAC’s Core Curriculum for HIV/AIDS Nursing, Third Edition includes the following new topics: Updates to the evidence basis underlying the nursing care of persons with HIV/AIDS. New issues and challenges including the care for pediatric patients and adults with giardia, syphilis and bipolar disease. New text features including case studies and quizzes.
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