An Introduction to Clinical Research (Success in Medicine) 1st Edition

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This practical book is written specifically for junior doctors by a team of highly experienced authors, as an introductory guide to clinical research. It covers all areas that a junior doctor needs to consider, including funding, study design, ethics, data analysis, disseminating findings, and furthering one’s research career. It presents a balance view of clinical research and is written by authors actively involved in clinical research both at the ‘coal-face’ and at a more supervisory level.
Research can be a difficult process and it is essential to make sure that the project is set up in the correct way in order to get verifiable results. This easy-to-read guide is available to help junior doctors develop a good study design and present evidence of a sound academic practice, which will make obtaining funding more likely and be time-efficient. Getting started early in research and developing a solid, gradual understanding of clinical research through using this approachable book will be of huge benefit to junior doctors and their discipline.
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