Age-related Macular Degeneration 2nd ed

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Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause for the loss of central vision beyond the age of 50 in industrial nations. Triplication of the number of affected patients is expected over the next 25 years. Especially over the last years the standard of knowledge regarding etiology, risk factors, diagnostics and therapy of this retina illness has substantially grown – this will be covered in this up-to-date multi-authored work. Apart from epidemiologically and genetically identified risk factors both the various pathophysiological aspects including the role of the complement system and clinical manifestations including OCT and angiographic characteristics are clearly represented. Furthermore, the different therapeutic approaches are presented and discussed, including proven procedures such as intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy and seeing-aid systems, in addition to the latest and upcoming methods in the area of pharmacology. The volume is well-illustrated and tables and summaries complete the presentation.



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