Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch Time Resource 1st Edition

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In today’s fast-paced world, orthopedic residents and fellows struggle to find the time to study for the board exams, prepare for the recertification exam, prepare for the Orthopedic In-Training Examination, prepare for teaching rounds, or just plain read. What is the best way to effectively prepare and study, if reading multiple resources can’t seem to fit into your daily schedule?
The answer to your study questions (and study time!) can be found inside, Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource
Until now, there has been no single high-yield volume that summarizes the “tough stuff” on the orthopedic board and recertification exams. Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource is meant to give an edge on the really tough questions found on exams, rather than be a simple review of the basics.
Why you need Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam:
• Carefully vetted board-style vignettes with color images
• Comprehensive yet succinct answers using a high-yield format
• Emphasis on key clinical pearls and “Board Buzzwords”
Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam by Dr. Brett R. Levine fills the unmet need in board review by presenting time-tested and high-yield information in a rational, useful, and contextually appropriate format.
Chapters include:
• A compilation of general lessons learned from past test takers
• “Tough Stuff” board review vignettes
• “Crunch-Time” Self-Test—Time to get Your Game On!
With its focus on pearl after pearl, emphasis on images, and attention to high-yield “tough stuff” vignettes you don’t know the answers to (yet), Acing the Orthopedic Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource will help you ace the orthopedic board and recertifying examinations, look good on clerkship rounds, simply challenge you with interesting and entertaining vignettes, and take optimal care of your patients in clinical practice.
Download this book free here
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