Abrams Angiography: Interventional Radiology 3rd edition

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Reflecting recent interventions of startling impact and clinical benefit and honoring the field’s legacy of innovation, this Third Edition of Abrams’ Angiography: Interventional Radiology has been completely revamped to reflect the fast-moving landscape of interventional radiology. To provide a fresh take on leading-edge subjects, new series editors, Drs. Jean-Francois H. Geschwind and Michael D. Dake put together a team of 60 of today’s most renowned authorities to focus on the 100 topics essential to mastering contemporary interventional radiology. Now in vibrant full-color, this Third Edition begins with an all-new section on interventional oncology, which includes expert coverage of organ-specific cancers and specialized interventional techniques in cancer care. Many of the themes considered in the vascular sections are rooted in the original stock of the initial landmark Abrams’ volume, updated to focus on current understanding. Features: comprehensive, step-by-step coverage of all contemporary vascular and non-vascular interventional procedures; new Oncology section includes 21 expert chapters that walk through all aspects of interventional oncology, from evaluation of the cancer patient and principles of chemotherapy to management of organ-specific cancers and specialized interventional techniques in cancer care; new detailed coverage complemented by more than 1,100 full-color illustrations; increased focus on surgical anatomy and the details of each technique; expert chapters that capture the groundbreaking achievements of the field from the foremost authorities; and new online solution site provides fully searchable access to the book-anytime, anywhere!
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