A Short Course in Medical Terminology Fourth, North American Edition

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A Short Course in Medical Terminology Fourth, North American Edition
Retaining its logical organization, body systems approach, and focus on word parts, word building, and word analysis; this 4th Edition of A Short Course in Medical Terminology reflects current medical usage and is now even more concise, student-friendly, and accessible. This edition features an enhanced art and design program, a more standardized chapter structure, and a vast array of in-text and online learning resources that help students master the language of medicine as they prepare for practice in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment.
- eBOOK AVAILABLE. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
- MODERNIZED AND MORE APPROACHABLE. This edition reflects today’s practice environment and has been rewritten to be even more user-friendly for students.
- INCREASED ALIGNMENT WITH A&P TEXTS. The chapter on special senses of sight and hearing (formerly Chapter 15) now appears directly after Chapter 7, The Nervous System.
- UPDATED. Pronunciations match those in Stedman’s Medical Dictionary but are shown phonetically to reflect the book’s focus on oral communication.
- IMPROVED! The full-color art program—now even more accurate and contemporary—features new photos, illustrations, and figures with enhanced text-art integration.
- STANDARDIZED: To facilitate learning, key elements in each chapter (headings, study tables, end-of-chapter exercises, pronunciations, side bars, and quick checks) are now presented in a standard format.
- STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION SECTIONS use full-color illustrations to help students learn basic anatomy and physiology.
- CASE STUDIES connect chapter material to clinical settings through real-world applications of medical terms,
- IN-TEXT LEARNING AIDS include learning outcomes, study tables that summarize terms, abbreviations tables that list common abbreviations and their meanings, and end-of-chapter exercises that help students master key terminology and word parts.
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