A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 4e (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print) 4th Edition

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Extensively revised and updated, and in full-color throughout, the new edition of this popular text delivers practical advice on the safe, effective administration of general and regional anesthesia to infants and children. More than 50 internationally renowned experts―and a brand-new editor―discuss standard techniques as well as the very latest advances in pediatric anesthesiology, keeping you on the cusp of today’s best practices. Chapter after chapter, you’ll find authoritative guidance on everything from preoperative evaluation through neonatal emergencies to the PACU, as well as more than 1,000 illustrations that clarify concepts. And, as an Expert Consult title, this thoroughly updated 4th edition comes with access to the complete fully searchable contents online as well as video clips of pediatric anesthesia procedures, pediatric drug dosage calculators, extended references, and downloadable images for use in electronic presentations.
- Reviews underlying scientific information and addresses preoperative assessment and anesthesia management in detail to help you make better informed decisions.
- Provides guidelines for postoperative care, emergencies, and special procedures in one single source for your reference convenience.
- Includes access to the complete fully searchable contents online as well as video clips of pediatric anesthesia procedures, pediatric drug dosage calculators, extended references, and downloadable images.
- Discusses the full range of pediatric anesthesiology from preoperative evaluation through neonatal emergencies to the PACU to prepare you for any situation you encounter.
- Incorporates sweeping revisions and updates throughout, including new chapters on congenital heart disease, conscious sedation, and anesthesia in developing countries that keep you apprised of the latest techniques and procedures.
- Features a new editor, Dr. Jerrold Lerman, who contributes a wealth of experience in pediatric anesthesiology.
- Provides new insights from neonatologists and neonatal pharmacologists who give you a clear, up-to-date picture of the pharmacologic responses of neonates.
- Incorporates numerous figures and tables throughout for easy retention of information.
- Presents a new full-color format and hundreds of new color illustrations that clarify complex principles of techniques.
Download this book free here
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