Understanding the NICU: What Parents of Preemies and Other Hospitalized Newborns Need to Know
Invaluable expert information and support for any parent whose infant is admitted to the NICU.
When a newborn is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), it can be frightening and overwhelming. Edited by two top NICU doctors and a veteran NICU nurse, this guide will support parents through their baby’s time in the NICU, helping them communicate with members of the NICU team, ask the right questions, and participate as valuable partners in their baby’s care. Understanding the NICU addresses such topics as common NICU equipment and tests, common medical problems for babies in the NICU, special health issues for preterm newborns, feeding and parenting in the NICU, and heading home from the NICU. This updated and fully revised edition also features new inspirational stories from parents of hospitalized newborns, bringing comfort and hope.
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