The Recurrent and Superior Laryngeal Nerves 1st ed. 2016 Edition
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This textbook is designed to deliver a comprehensive up-to-date review of all aspects of recurrent laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal nerve anatomy including surgically important anatomy, key strategic surgical maneuvers, state-of-the-art neural monitoring, preservation of recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves during thyroidectomy and surgical management. Presently, there is no other single book available, that includes all of these surgically important topics explicitly and in-depth. The book is visually oriented with color illustrations and photomicrographs embracing all aspects of recurrent laryngeal nerve anatomy including branching patterns, relationship of the nerve and the inferior thyroid artery and the non-recurrent recurrent laryngeal nerve. A new classification system for recurrent laryngeal nerve anatomy is proposed. Intraoperative neural monitoring of the nerves is also covered in detail along with new horizons and encompass a practical approach to neural monitoring right from set up, actual monitoring and clinical relevance and usefulness of the monitoring data in making surgical decisions. The current status of the field is summarized and placed in context with optimal surgical management of these nerves. All chapters are written by world class US and International experts in anatomy, surgery and nerve monitoring.
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