Anticoagulation Management: A Guidebook for Pharmacists

Anticoagulation Management: A Guidebook for Pharmacists 

In addition to acting as a training guide for pharmacists, pharmacy residents and pharmacy students who seek to practice in areas associated with patients on anticoagulant therapy, the information presented within highlights the growing role of the pharmacist in these contexts. Readers will find useful information on anticoagulant management across all pharmacy practice areas, including the inpatient, ambulatory, emergency services and transitions of care settings. Particular attention is given to summarizing best practices and providing ‘real world’ examples of ways in which pharmacists can be involved in anticoagulation management and the impact of such involvement. In the first major section of the book, each chapter focuses on the role of the pharmacist in the management of medication with a specific type of anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin, heparin and target-specific oral agents) in various healthcare settings. A broader overview of the clinical management of anticoagulation therapy is provided in the second major section, including descriptions of the role of pharmacists in assessing venous thromboembolism risk, ensuring patients receive appropriate prophylactic therapy, and monitoring outcomes.


SBAs for the FRCR 2A (Cambridge Medicine (Paperback)) 1st Edition

SBAs for the FRCR 2A (Cambridge Medicine (Paperback)) 1st Edition

SBAs for the Final FRCR is an invaluable guide to the new Single Best Answer (SBA) paper for the Final FRCR examination, providing over 350 SBA-style questions and referenced answers written in the style of the Royal College of Radiologists. Each question is accompanied by a concise yet detailed model answer carrying references and additional notes. The answers also act as a useful reference source for many of the key topics found in the syllabus. Questions are categorised in the same six modules that compose the FRCR 2A: • Cardiothoracic and vascular • Musculoskeletal and trauma • Gastro-intestinal • Genito-urinary, adrenal, obstetrics and gynaecology, breast • Paediatric • Central nervous system, head and neck Written by a group of authors who have recently successfully completed the exams, SBAs for the Final FRCR is an essential revision aid for all candidates undertaking the FRCR Part 2A.


Pharmacotherapy Handbook, Eleventh Edition 11th Edition

Pharmacotherapy Handbook, Eleventh Edition 11th Edition

The critical drug information you need for clinical practice and board preparation―in one, convenient portable guide

Pharmacotherapy Handbook delivers both the key points pharmacists needs to know in practice and the information students studying for the boards needs to pass. The Handbook delivers the essential information you need to confidently make drug therapy decisions for more than 140 diseases and disorders most commonly encountered in a clinical setting. Whether you’re a student, pharmacist, or hospital administrator, you’ll find answers quickly and easily in this reliable, carry-anywhere guide.

Featuring a convenient alphabetized presentation, the book utilizes text, tables, figures, and treatment algorithms to make important drug data readily accessible and easily understandable. This updated eleventh edition includes new chapters on the pharmacists’ patient care process, opioid use disorder, and superficial fungal infections.

Each chapter is organized in a consistent format:

  • Disease state definition
  • Pathophysiology
  • Clinical presentation
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Evaluation of therapeutic outcomes

Nine appendices include Pediatric Pharmacotherapy, Geriatric Assessment, Critical Care Patient Assessment, Drug Allergies, Drug-Induced Hematologic Disorders, Drug-Induced Liver Disease, Drug-Induced Pulmonary Disease, Drug-Induced Kidney Disease, and Drug-Induced Ophthalmic Disorders


Pharmacology Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking First Edition

Pharmacology Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking First Edition

The road to nursing success begins here! A complete review of core concepts. More than 1,150 classroom-tested, NCLEX®-style questions. (Alternate format, too!) Test-taking hints and rationales for correct and incorrect answers. TWO BOOKS IN ONE! Course review now. NCLEX®-prep later. 1,150 critical thinking questions (both multiple choice and alternate format) organize the seemingly huge volume of pharmacology information students must master into manageable sections divided by body systems and specific diseases. They not only learn to associate the medication with the disease process, making learning easier, but are also able to evaluate their knowledge of medications prior to taking their exams. All of the questions encompass the basic concepts for medication administration, including why the client is taking the medication • when the nurse would question administering the medication • how the nurse knows the medication is effective • and what interventions the nurse needs to teach the client concerning the medication. “I love that the questions come with rationales and that the books are filled with relevant questions! Tons of people in my class use them and without fail we rave about them after each test!”―Taryn Van Rensburg, Student Nurse at Naugatuck Valley Community College, CT. Click Here for a Special Mail-In Rebate Offer


Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy 4th Edition

Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy 4th Edition

Get all the basics on drug therapies—and administer drugs confidently and accurately—with the Newly updated Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition.

Written in the enjoyable, award-winning 
Incredibly Easy style, this easy-to-follow, fully illustrated guide offers step-by-step direction on the medication process, from assessing patient needs, to planning care, to implementation and positive outcomes. Strengthen your understanding of your class materials, get ready for the NCLEX® or certification exam, and administer drug therapies—safely and effectively

Build a strong platform of pharmacology knowledge and skills with. . .

  • New and updated content on the Newest approved medications and dosages and New tables listing:
  • New vaccines and treatment for biological weapons exposure
  • New treatment and antidotes for chemical weapons exposure
  • New herbal drugs content
  • New icons and images that clarify content
  • Revised and updated content on the concepts of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutic
  • Pharmacology basics – How drugs are derived, developed, classified, and administered; classes of drugs by body system; their uses and mechanisms
  • “Nurse Joy” and “Nurse Jake” illustrated characters offering tips and insights throughout
  • Quick-scan format with concise, bulleted content
  • Hundreds of illustrations and diagrams explaining key concepts and providing clear direction on administering drugs; drug distribution, absorption, and metabolism; potential drug interactions; adverse reactions; how different classes of drugs work in different body systems
  • Special chapter features:
    • Just the facts – A quick summary of chapter content
    • Advice from the experts – Experienced practitioners’ insights
    • Prototype pro – Actions, indications, and nursing considerations for common prototype drugs
    • Nursing process – Patient assessment, diagnosis, outcome goals, implementation, and evaluation for each type and class of drug
    • Pharm function – Illustrating how drugs act in the body; recognizing and treating adverse reactions
    • Before you give that drug – Warnings to consider before you administer a drug
    • Education edge – Information to share with your patient
    • Quick quiz – End-of-chapter questions with answers/explanations, to help you remember the essentials
  • End-of-book multiple-choice Q&A; Quick Guides to Medication Safety, Ophthalmic and Dermatologic Drugs, and Abbreviations to Avoid; Glossary of essential pharmacology terms.


Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines 1st Edition

Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines 1st Edition

Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines fills the demand for a handbook discussing the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases and conditions encountered by health care professionals.

The title was first published in Finland by the Finnish Medical Society, where it is now considered to be the single most important support tool for the physicians’ decision making in their daily work.

What sets EBM Guidelines apart from competing books?

  • Provides physicians with fast and easy access to practice guidelines based on the best available research evidence
  • Covers practically all medical conditions encountered in general practice
  • Developed by over 300 experienced general practitioners and specialists worldwide
  • Includes both diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, and recommendations on diagnostic tests and drug dosage
  • Presented in a user-friendly format with self contained chapters based on clinical subjects
  • Clear and concise explanations of all available evidence results in the guideline for treatment
  • The strength of evidence is graded from A-D making this title a quick and easy reference whenever and wherever you need it!
  • Assumes no prior knowledge of EBM or statistics – all the work of searching and appraisal has been done for you!
  • Seeks to include guidelines where clinical evidence is incomplete or unavailable
  • Contains full-colour photographs and tables throughout

Easy-to-read and fast support at the point of care – EBM Guidelines:

  1. Summarises the best available evidence – Cochrane reviews – DARE abstracts – Clinical Evidence topics – original articles in medical journals – abstracts in the Health Technology Assessment Database – NHS Economic Evaluation
  2. Evaluates and grades the strength of all individual evidence from A (Strong research-based evidence) to D (No scientific evidence)
  3. Suggests guidelines based on clinical evidence. If clinical evidence is inadequate or missing, an expert panel evaluate all other available information and suggests the appropriate guideline

With over 1000 problem-orientated or disease-specific guidelines including reference to evidence summaries for all guidelines, this title is the most extensive collection of guidelines for primary care today.

Here are just a few examples of the raving reviews for Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines:

“An excellent resource… quick to use, even during consultations…very helpful to check whether our preferred diagnostic and therapeutic methods are adequate…competent suggestions based on real evidence…”
―Heinz Bhend, PRIMARY CARE

“clinically useful answers…easy-to-read …this resource is worth using…”
―Carl Heneghan, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford, UK, EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE Journal


Pharmacology Mind Maps for Medical Students and Allied Health Professionals 1st Edition

Pharmacology Mind Maps for Medical Students and Allied Health Professionals 1st Edition

Pharmacology Mind Maps is meant as a concise companion for the pharmacology students, enabling them to revise the subject in a short time through the innovative and effective technique of mind maps, after understanding the subject from a standard reference textbook. This handy manual provides the subject information in a condensed form, helping in last minute revision. Mind mapping is slowly taking over traditional methods and techniques and is explored extensively for a subject like pharmacology which is both an essential as well as a difficult subject to master for a medical student. This book will thus help the students to read, revise and recollect the subject easily and rapidly.


Pharmacology in 7 Days for Medical Students (ISSN) 1st Edition

Pharmacology in 7 Days for Medical Students (ISSN) 1st Edition

Pharmacological knowledge among medical students can have a very short ‘half life’: students often fail not because they have failed to study, but because they have been unable to retain key knowledge and reproduce it in an exam setting. This book takes an alternative route to the conventional approach of comprehensively exploring each individual drug and its features: not only can such an approach overwhelm and make knowledge retention difficult, but the current exam format makes questions structured in this way unlikely anyway. Instead of aiming to be completely comprehensive, it examines drugs systematically by classifications, mechanisms of action, therapeutic uses and side effects, enabling students to gain the distilled, functional grasp of pharmacology that their exams actually demand quickly and clearly.


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