Secondary Hypertension
Secondary Hypertension
This medical book offers an overview of the latest advances in the epidemiological, pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of secondary hypertension, provided by a group of the most highly respected European experts in this field. It is common belief that secondary forms of hypertension are rare, although in 95% of patients the cause of high blood pressure is unknown – euphemistically referred to as “essential”. There is increasing evidence from epidemiological studies that the prevalence of secondary hypertension is much higher than previously thought, accounting for 20%-25% of all hypertensive patients.
There are additional, very good reasons for identifying those patients with secondary hypertension: firstly, they are exposed to a greater risk of suffering major cardiovascular events than patients with essential hypertension who have the same blood pressure level, and for this reason require particular care. Secondly, these patients can be relieved of a lifetime of pharmacological therapy or, at least, have a chance to be treated with more specific and effective medications. A high degree of clinical skill is required to recognize the often vague and subtle symptoms and signs that characterize patients with secondary hypertension, and clinicians need to fully comprehend the mechanisms responsible for the development and maintenance of high blood pressure. Shedding new light on a complex area of cardiovascular medicine, this medical book enables readers to better treat affected patients.
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