Protocols and Methodologies in Basic Science and Clinical Cardiac MRI 1st ed. 2018 Edition
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This book focuses on the practical issues of the implementation of state-of-the-art acquisition methodologies and protocols for both basic science and clinical practice. It is a practical guidebook for both beginners and advanced users for easy and practical implementation of acquisition protocols. It is relevant for a wide audience that ranges from students, residents, fellows, basic scientists, physicists, engineers, and medical practitioners.
The novelty of this book relates to its intended practical use and focus on state-of-the-art cardiac MRI techniques that span both the clinical and basic science fields. In comparison and contrast to other pre-existing books, this book will distinguish from others for its practical usefulness and conciseness. Correspondingly, the book will be used as a handbook (quick reference) for new starters or people who would like to establish state-of-the-art cardiac MRI techniques in their institutions. Given the historical evolution of techniq
ue development in MRI, the clinical and basic science topics will be described separately. However, in instances where basic science development complemented (or is envisaged to complement) clinical development (e.g., Diffusion MRI and tractography), every effort will be made to allow a comprehensive review and associations of the clinical/basic science subfields.
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