Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Hematopathology 1st ed
This book is designed not as a comprehensive textbook, but instead as a short practical guide to diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of blood, bone marrow, and lymphoid tissues. Concise and easy to read, this text provides essential information in a bulleted text format. This simple format was chosen to provide essential information that may quickly be reviewed at the microscope. Each single-page entry begins with a brief one-line Snapshot description, followed by short descriptions of important clinical, morphologic, immunohistochemical, and genetic features, and ending with Caveats and Pearls and Differential Diagnosis. In most cases, entries are accompanied by a few high-quality histologic images. To keep the text concise, recommended texts and recent review articles are cited in the bibliography at the end of the book. To help quickly find alternative diagnoses, the index cross-references all differential diagnoses. The Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Hematopathology should be of use to practicing hematopathologists (academic and private) and hematologic oncologists, as well as trainees (fellows) in hematopathology and hematologic oncology.
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