Alzheimer’s Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities 1st Edition

Alzheimer’s Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities 1st Edition

Alzheimer’s disease is an increasingly common form of dementia and despite rising interest in discovery of novel treatments and investigation into aetiology, there are no currently approved treatments that directly tackle the causes of the condition. Due to its multifactorial pathogenesis, current treatments are directed against symptoms and even precise diagnosis remains difficult as the majority of cases are diagnosed symptomatically and usually confirmed only by autopsy. Alzheimer’s Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities provides a comprehensive overview from aetiology and neurochemistry to diagnosis, evaluation and management of Alzheimer’s disease, and latest therapeutic approaches. Intended to provide an introduction to all aspects of the disease and latest developments, this book is ideal for students, postgraduates and researchers in neurochemistry, neurological drug discovery and Alzheimer’s disease.


West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials Tenth Edition

West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials Tenth Edition

West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials is the gold standard text for learning respiratory physiology quickly and easily. This highly readable, must-have text serves as an introduction to students and a review for licensing and other exams. The Tenth Edition features the addition of Dr. Andrew M. Luks as co-author along with new clinical vignettes, additional multiple-choice review questions, and updated information on key topics in respiratory physiology, such as blood flow and metabolism, gas transport by the blood, and the physiology of high altitude.

  • New! Clinical vignettes with questions emphasize how the physiology described can be applied to clinical situations and reinforce reasoning and critical thinking.
  • More than 100 multiple-choice questions with full explanations provide self-testing of key concepts for comprehension and exam preparation.
  • Clinical boxes and Key Concepts summaries provide bullet-point reviews.
  • Appendices of important equations and answers to all questions are easily referenced.
  • Online resources include animations that expand on and clarify challenging topics, an interactive question bank , and lectures by Dr. West.


Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies (Neonatology: Questions & Controversies) 3rd Edition

Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies (Neonatology: Questions & Controversies) 3rd Edition

Dr. Richard Polin’s Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the most challenging aspects of neonatal care, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today’s practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.

  • Stay fully up to date in this fast-changing field with Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology, 3rd Edition.
  • New chapters on Inherited Disorders of Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium; Fluid and Electrolyte Management of High Risk Infants; Renal Development and Molecular Pathogenesis of Renal Dysplasia; and Prenatal Programming, which describes how prenatal insults can result in hypertension, kidney and cardiovascular disease.
  • The most current clinical information, including new content on the molecular basis for hereditary tubulopathies and inherited disorders of calcium, phosphate, and magnesium homeostasis.
  • New information on genetics and pharmacology, neonatal hypertension, diuretic use in the newborn, prenatal programming of adult diseases, lung fluid balance, and much more.
  • Consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily.
  • The most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care.

Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume set!Gastroenterology and NutritionHematology, Immunology and GeneticsHemodynamics and CardiologyInfectious Disease and Pharmacology New Volume!Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte PhysiologyNeurologyThe Newborn Lung


Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Guyton Physiology) 14th Edition

Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Guyton Physiology) 14th Edition

Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical studentsGuyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th Edition, employs a distinctive format to ensure maximum learning and retention of complex concepts. A larger font size emphasizes core information, while supporting information, including clinical examples, are detailed in smaller font and highlighted in pale blue – making it easy to quickly skim the essential text or pursue more in-depth study. This two-tone approach, along with other outstanding features, makes this bestselling text a favorite of students worldwide.

  • Offers a clinically oriented perspective written with the clinical and preclinical student in mind, bridging basic physiology with pathophysiology.

  • Focuses on core material and how the body maintains homeostasis to remain healthy, emphasizing the important principles that will aid in later clinical decision making.

  • Presents information in short chapters using a concise, readable voice that facilitates learning and retention.

  • Contains more than 1,200 full-color drawings and diagrams – all carefully crafted to make physiology easier to understand.

  • Features expanded clinical coverage including obesity, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and other degenerative diseases.

  • Includes online access to interactive figures, new audio of heart sounds, animations, self-assessment questions, and more.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals

Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals

The Seventh Edition of Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals is a thoroughly updated and revised version of this classic text. Drawing on current science and terminology with a number of new illustrations throughout and a new chapter on poultry, the book maintains its reputation for clarity, balanced scope, and breadth of content. The Seventh Edition provides veterinary, animal science, agriculture, and veterinary technician students with a comprehensive yet clear reference to understanding the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology.


Berne & Levy Physiology 8th Edition

Berne & Levy Physiology 8th Edition

Pairing necessary detail with concise readability, Berne & Levy Physiology, 8th Edition, provides a perfect balance of content to deliver an in-depth understanding of the body’s dynamic processes. Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this highly regarded, mid-size text offers essential physiology with integrated coverage of biophysics andkey experimental observations and examples―all designed to provide a solid scientific foundation in physiology for future scientists and clinicians. 

  • Uses a logical, organ system-based approach that clearly describes all of the mechanisms that control and regulate bodily function. 
  • Includes new clinical case examples, as well as In the Clinic and At the Molecular Level boxes that highlight practical aspects of this fundamental science. 
  • Provides key experimental observations and examples that offer a rich understanding of the body’s dynamic processes. 
  • Discusses recent discoveries such as the role of lymphatics in the nervous system. 
  • Begins each chapter with a bulleted list of questions and ends with key concepts covered in that chapter. 
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 


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