Pediatric Ophthalmology Surgery and Procedures
Pediatric Ophthalmology Surgery and Procedures: Tricks of the Trade
Children can be affected by a wide range of ophthalmic disorders, many of which require surgical intervention. This medical book Pediatric Ophthalmology Surgery and Procedures: Tricks of the Trade by esteemed pediatric ophthalmologist Sylvia Yoo and expert contributors covers the full range of pediatric ophthalmic procedures. As with other titles in this series, the book is consistently formatted with concise, step-by-step guidance. Chapters include goals, advantages, expectations, key principles, indications, contraindications, preoperative preparation, surgical planning, perioperative tips and pearls, operative technique and tools, what to avoid, complications, and postoperative care.
Organized into six sections and 19 chapters, the text encompasses ophthalmic surgical approaches that pediatric ophthalmologists are likely to perform. Disease-related sections cover strabismus, eye conditions impacting the orbit and anterior segment, glaucoma, and retinopathy of prematurity. The final section provides guidance on preparing for exams under anesthesia to ensure that the required equipment and testing are arranged in advance of the child being placed under anesthesia.
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