Pulmonary Pathology: An Atlas and Text Third Edition

Pulmonary Pathology: An Atlas and Text Third Edition

Entirely re-written and revised with over 1,000 new images, Pulmonary Pathology: An Atlas and Text is a comprehensive, highly illustrated guide to diagnoses in pulmonary pathology, including tumors and lymphomas. The book—titled Color Atlas and Text of Pulmonary Pathology in earlier editions  combines highly detailed photographs and illustrations with concise, bulleted text so you can quickly grasp the information you need to make accurate diagnoses.

  • New information on diagnosing lung diseases, plus new WHO classifications, American Thoracic Society classifications of non-neoplastic diseases, new entities and infections, and technological advancements.
  • Packed with nearly1,200 images, figures, and tables, many of them new with this edition.
  • Organized into individual diagnoses, accompanied by concise, bulleted descriptions.
  • Ideal for surgical pathologists already in practice, as well as pathology residents and fellows.
  • Addresses the expanded role of the pathologist in treating patients.

Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s ), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
  • Adapt for unique reading needs , supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more


Pulmonary Pathology: Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic (Encyclopedia of Pathology)

Pulmonary Pathology: Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic (Encyclopedia of Pathology)


This book covers the complete field of pulmonary pathology – neoplastic and non-neoplastic – from Acinic cell tumor in the lung to Wegener`s Granulomatosis. The alphabetically arranged entries, each of which provides a detailed description of a specific pathological disease pattern, allow readers to quickly and easily find the information they need.

About the Author



Pathology of the Pleura and Mediastinum (Encyclopedia of Pathology) 1st ed

Pathology of the Pleura and Mediastinum (Encyclopedia of Pathology) 1st ed

This book covers the complete field of pleura and mediastinum pathology – from acquired multilocular thymic cyst to well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma. The alphabetically arranged entries, each of which provides a detailed description of a specific pathological disease pattern, allow readers to quickly and easily find the information they need.





Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: General and Surgical Pathology

Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: General and Surgical Pathology

This book covers all liver tumors and lesions that clinically and radiologically mimic liver tumors. It provides readers with a comprehensive overview of this complex and rapidly evolving field. All aspects of surgical pathology are addressed, supplemented by detailed presentations of the lesions’ cell-biologic and molecular features. In addition, the methods employed for diagnosis and diagnostic algorithms are discussed. It appeals to pathologists and hepatologists and serves as an invaluable aid to diagnosis.
The field of liver tumors and tumor-like lesions in adults and children has experienced tremendous advances in recent years. Specifically, the recognition of novel entities, deepened insights into known tumors, and refinement of classifications have necessitated continual updates and reappraisals. In addition, previous understanding of hepatic carcinogenesis and tumor progression has been transformed by the very rapid evolution of our understanding of cell biology, genomics, signaling pathways, cell interactions, and mechanisms of invasion and spread of hepatic tumor cells. These general pathology issues must be combined with surgical pathology if a comprehensive understanding of liver tumor pathology is to be achieved.


Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract (Encyclopedia of Pathology)

Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract (Encyclopedia of Pathology)

This book covers the complete field of the pathology of the Gastrointestinal tract – from Abetalipoproteinemia to Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. The alphabetically arranged entries, each of which provides a detailed description of a specific pathological disease pattern, allow readers to quickly and easily find the information they need.

About the Author



Molecular Genetic Pathology

Molecular Genetic Pathology

Molecular Genetic Pathology, Second Edition presents up-to-date material containing fundamental information relevant to the clinical practice of molecular genetic pathology. Fully updated in each area and expanded to include identification of new infectious agents (H1N1), new diagnostic biomarkers and biomarkers for targeted cancer therapy. This edition is also expanded to include the many new technologies that have become available in the past few years such as microarray (AmpliChip) and high throughput deep sequencing, which will certainly change the clinical practice of molecular genetic pathology. Part I examines the clinical aspects of molecular biology and technology, genomics. Poharmacogenomics and proteomics, while Part II covers the clinically relevant information of medical genetics, hematology, transfusion medicine, oncology, and forensic pathology. Supplemented with many useful figures and presented in a helpful bullet-point format, Molecular Genetic Pathology, Second Edition provides a unique reference for practicing pathologists, oncologists, internists, and medical genetisists.  Furthermore, a book with concise overview of the field and highlights of clinical applications will certainly help those trainees, including pathology residents, genetics residents, molecular pathology fellows, internists, hematology/oncology fellows, and medical technologists in preparing for their board examination/certification.



Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists 2nd ed

Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists 2nd ed

This book contains a compilation of high-yield, at-a-glance summaries in quick reference format for various topics that are frequently encountered by pathologists in the daily practice or on the boards. The focus is not organ-based histologic criteria, but rather everything else that goes into pathologic diagnoses but is difficult to keep committed to memory. The emphasis is on immunohistochemistry, special stains, grading systems, molecular markers, tumor syndromes, and helpful clinical references. Also included are morphologic summaries that encompass high-yield material cutting across all organ systems, such as an illustrated guide for microorganisms, tumor differentials, and an illustrated glossary of pathologic descriptors.

The book has a unique format in that the information is presented primarily in tables and diagrams accompanied by brief and to-the-point explanatory text. The guiding principle was to boil the information down to the essentials but with just enough commentary to be accessible to a newcomer to pathology and to serve as a quick reference to a practicing pathologist.

In the 7 years since its initial publication, there have been considerable advances in surgical pathology, particularly immunohistochemical stains, molecular diagnostics, and histologic grading schemes.  In the second edition, the content has been thoroughly updated to incorporate these developments, while retaining the overall scope and concise format of the first edition. In addition, the reader will find summaries for many new topics as well as multiple new cartoon illustrations and diagrams.



Understanding Pathophysiology 6th Edition

Understanding Pathophysiology 6th Edition

Master the important pathophysiology concepts you need to know with the most engaging and reader-friendly text available. Filled with vibrant illustrations and complemented by online resources that bring pathophysiology concepts to life, Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Edition continues its tradition of delivering the most accurate information on treatments, manifestations, and mechanisms of disease across the lifespan, giving you the fundamental knowledge needed to move forward in your nursing education and career. New additions include a new chapter on epigenetics, new content on rare diseases, a separate chapter for male and female reproductive alterations, streamlined features, simplified language, and fully updated information throughout.


Introduction to Pathophysiology in the front matter section provides intro to the subject of pathophysiology and explains why it is important.

Consistent presentation helps readers better distinguish pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment for each disease.

More than 1,000 high-quality illustrations vividly depict clinical manifestations and cellular mechanisms underlying diseases.

Lifespan coverage details age-specific conditions affecting pediatric, adult, and aging patients in depth.

Algorithms throughout the text clarify disease progression.

Risk Factor boxes alert readers to important safety considerations associated with specific diseases.

Health Alert boxes highlight new developments in biologic research, diagnostic studies, preventive care, treatments, and more.

Quick Check boxes test readers’ retention of important chapter concepts.

Geriatric Considerations boxes and Pediatric Considerations boxes highlight key considerations for these demographics in relevant chapters.

Did You Understand? sections provide a fast and efficient review of chapter content.

Chapter outlines help readers find specific information with ease.

Chapter introductions explain why chapter content is important and how it fits into a broader health care context.

Key terms are bolded throughout the text for fast, easy reference.

Glossary of selected terms familiarizes readers with the most difficult or important terminology.

Additional online resources on Evolve companion website offers access to animations, review questions, key terms matching exercises, and more.



Pathology of Melanocytic Nevi and Melanoma 3rd Edition

Highly acclaimed and considered the leading reference in the field, Pathology of Melanocytic Nevi and Malignant Melanoma has once again been fully revised and updated to reflect the most recent advances and techniques in the field of melanoma pathology. The successful focus and format of the previous editions have been preserved. Each lesion and diagnosis is clearly illustrated with the aid of a wealth of digitally enhanced full-color photomicrographs. A concise description of the clinical features, histopathology, differential diagnosis, and the most important characteristics of each lesion provides readers with a quick yet comprehensive overview of each topic covered. Pathology of Melanocytic Nevi and Malignant Melanoma is the essential reference for every practicing dermatopathologist, pathologist, dermatologist, and cancer research scientist today.



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