Pharmacology: An Introduction 6th Edition


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Pharmacology, 6e by Hitner/Nagle is incredibly readable, with short chapters that link theory to practice; content that is focused on the need-to-know information to not overload the reader; excellent tables and features such as Patient Administration and Monitoring Boxes. This new edition now has a 4-color design with all new photos and illustrations. Chapter reviews have been revisited to add additional problem types and an exercise progression from simple to complex. The full suite of instructor materials is available. Hitner 6e has Connect, including LearnSmart: Pharmacology, body system and pharmacology animations, Top 250 Prescribed Drugs, Dosage Calculations Exercises, and more.

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Plastic Surgery Emergencies: Principles and Techniques 1st Edition


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The second edition of this detailed guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common plastic surgery emergencies includes updated clinical information on the most common emergency situations. This book gives first-year plastic surgery residents the basic skills they need to progress in their training and ultimately be successful in their practice.

Key Features of the Second Edition:

  • New chapter covering sternal wounds
  • Easy-to-follow color diagrams demonstrating key procedures and full-color photographs for rapid diagnosis

Plastic Surgery Emergencies is an indispensable resource for clinicians, residents, and trainees in plastic surgery. It is also ideal for all emergency room personnel, including ER physicians, physicians’ assistants, and nurse practitioners, as well as family practice physicians.

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Surgery: Clinical Cases Uncovered 1st Edition


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Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations.

Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered

Packed full with over 120 cases, this comprehensive title on the surgical management of conditions will be your core revision text.

Featuring everything you need to know on surgery, Professor Harold Ellis and Christopher Watson have left nothing out. Whether it’s a gastric ulcer or an intercranial mass shown up on an MR scan, you can work your way through with Clinical Cases Uncovered.

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Clinical Manual of Cultural Psychiatry, Second Edition 2nd Edition


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The Clinical Manual of Cultural Psychiatry was developed over more than 18 years, first as a course, then as a successful and highly regarded manual for use by mental health practitioners in evaluating patients who identify themselves as belonging to a cultural or minority group. The second edition represents the further evolution of the field and is needed now more than ever in our increasingly diverse world. The book has been not only thoroughly updated but also expanded to embrace additional dimensions and segments of society. Mental health issues experienced more frequently by women and the cultural factors affecting the mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, as well as religious and spiritual issues, are explored in four new chapters that round out coverage of the nation’s four major ethnic minority groups. The new edition is also updated with the DSM-5[registered] Outline for Cultural Formulation and the new Cultural Formulation Interview and comes with access to online video examples using simulated patients to illustrate how to use these tools. Focused on promoting both understanding and developing cultural competency for clinicians, the new second edition of the Clinical Manual of Cultural Psychiatry represents a major advancement in this critically needed area.

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A Patient’s Guide to Medical Imaging 1st Edition


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Medical imaging now plays a major role in diagnosis, choice of therapy, and follow-up. However, patients are often intimidated by the multiple imaging modalities available, the indications for their use, the imposing equipment, what the examinations are like and how long they last, and the advantages and disadvantages of various procedures. This book is designed to provide explanations for these and other issues in order to relieve some of the anxiety related to medical imaging studies.

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Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam 2nd ed. 2014 Edition


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In its updated 2nd edition, this book covers concepts frequently addressed in the test, as well as unexpected problems and seemingly benign actions or inactions that could result in a missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, and a consequent failure to pass the exam

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The 5 Minute Urology Consult (The 5-Minute Consult Series) Third Edition


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Grab your copy of The 5-Minute Urology Consult, 3e for rapid-fire reference in the clinic. This essential, easy-to-read text was designed to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of urologic problems quickly and efficiently. Engineered for crystal clarity, and chock-full of information and action items, the “5-Minute Consult” series includes facts and recommendations as informed by the most current data available, sourced from actual patient consultations and further reviewed by top academics and physicians.

An invaluable resource for urologists, this book is perfect for the busy specialist or practitioner who deals with urologic conditions on a daily basis, as well as residents and fellows prepping for their certification exams.


  • Topics include adult and pediatric urology, and the subspecialties of urologic oncology, endourology, female urology, neurourology, andrology, infectious diseases, and renal transplantation
  • International editorial board captured the widest array of diseases and conditions expressed worldwide
  • Over 300 major diseases and conditions, with a lexicon of over 1,300 key concepts, diseases, complaints and conditions
  • Visual algorithms and charts enhance clarity
  • Drug Reference section outlines hundreds of urologic drugs and dosages
  • Readable, two-color design and two-page layout

Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:

  • Complete content with enhanced navigation
  • A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
  • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
  • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
  • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
  • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use

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Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9e (Robbins Pathology) 9th Edition


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Dependable, current, and complete, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition is the perennially best-selling text that you’ll use long after your medical student days are behind you. A world-class author team headed by Drs. Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, and Jon Aster, delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. High-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more.

  • Rely on uniquely authoritative and readable coverage, ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation, as well as for course work.
  • Simplify your study with an outstanding full-color, highly user-friendly design.
  • Stay up to date with the latest information in molecular and genetic testing and mechanisms of disease.
  • Consult new Targeted Therapy boxes online that discuss drug therapy for specific diseases.
  • Gain a new perspective in key areas thanks to contributions from new authors at the top of their fields.
  • Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. Further your understanding with access to a wealth of interactive ancillaries on the Student Consult site, including pathology case studies and videos and self-assessment questions.

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Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, 2-Volume Set, 5th edition 5th Edition


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Turn to the field’s definitive text for a thorough understanding of the clinical and scientific aspects of pulmonary medicine

Since 1980, Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders has delivered unparalleled coverage of pulmonary medicine and the underlying basic and applied science upon which clinical practice is based. The Fifth Edition, with 270 contributing authors, includes over 2,000 illustrations, 60 videos, and 18,000 references. The book opens with a comprehensive overview of the scientific basis of lung function in health and disease. It then provides detailed coverage of the broad array of diseases and disorders affecting the respiratory system, including obstructive and restrictive diseases, pulmonary vascular disorders, sleep-disordered breathing, lung neoplasms, respiratory infections, and respiratory failure, among others.

The Fifth Edition has been completely updated to reflect the many advancements that have been made in pulmonary medicine over the past few years, including:

  • Molecular development of the lung
  • Stem cells and respiratory disease
  • Genetics of pulmonary disease and the growth of personalized medicine
  • Technical advances in lung transplantation
  • Growth in immunology and immunosuppressive management
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension
  • Circadian rhythms and sleep biology
  • Rapid evolution in lung imaging techniques, including functional imaging
  • Contemporary interventional bronchoscopic techniques

You will also find state-of-the-art coverage of the latest topics in critical care medicine, including:

  • Early diagnosis and management of sepsis
  • Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
  • Management of agitation and delirium in the ICU
  • The newly defined entity of “chronic critical illness”

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The Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review: Certification and Recertification, 5e 5th Edition


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Don’t gamble on the most important exam of your career… ace the boards with The Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review! Brought to you from the birthplace of Internal Medicine and regarded as the most effective review tool in the specialty, it will ensure you’re as equipped as possible on your way to certificationor recertification. From internists to primary care physicians, this no-nonsense book is a must-have companion for everyone in the field.

  • Respected experts summarize just the imperative information you need to know for certification or recertification.
  • Comprehensive review text, bolded key information, and helpful tables and algorithms equip you with all the core knowledge you need.
  • Exam-taking tips and tricks allow you to go into the exam with confidence.


  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you totest your skills and simulate the exam experience with over 1,000 additional exam questions in study and test modes.
  • Features full-color clinical images covering all the image types you’ll see on the boards, including x-rays, common skin findings, peripheral blood smears, ophthalmology findings, and CT and MR images.

Download this book free here

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