Monitoring in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care (Cambridge Medicine (Hardcover)) 1st Edition


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Monitoring in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care is a practical and comprehensive resource documenting the current art and science of perioperative patient monitoring, addressing the systems-based practice issues that drive the highly regulated health care industry of the early twenty-first century. Initial chapters cover the history, medicolegal implications, validity of measurement, and education issues relating to monitoring. The core of the book addresses the many monitoring modalities, with the majority of the chapters organized in a systematic fashion to describe technical concepts, parameters monitored, evidence of utility complications, credentialing and monitoring standards, and practice guidelines. Describing each device, technique, and principle of clinical monitoring in an accessible style, Monitoring in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care is full of invaluable advice from the leading experts in the field, making it an essential tool for every anesthesiologist.


Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma 1st Edition


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A highly illustrated book providing concise yet comprehensive information on fracture classification and management. The text has been developed according to the requirements of orthopaedic surgeons in training. The first section covers general principles such as terminology and dealing with multiple trauma; following sections take the reader systematically through regions of the body and the various possible fractures, covering diagnosis, treatment and healing in each case. Definitive information on the ever-disputed issue of classification of musculoskeletal injuries is provided throughout. An effective reference book for the clinic, this book is also an indispensable tool for trainees in orthopedic and emergency medicine and orthopedic nurses.


Positioning Patients for Surgery 2nd Edition


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This volume is a practical, procedure-by-procedure guide to patient positioning for about 50 of the most common surgical procedures, written by a multidisciplinary team of surgeons, nurses, ODAs and anaesthetists. Positioning for each procedure is described in detail and points of interest or potential hazards discussed where appropriate. Each procedure is clearly illustrated using photographs and explanatory line diagrams. Positioning Patients for Surgery is an invaluable guide for all theatre-based healthcare professionals.


Medical Management of Eating Disorders (Cambridge Medicine (Paperback)) 2nd Edition


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Eating disorders are known to affect between 1 and 4% of all women, and a smaller proportion of men. This text is designed to provide all health professionals with the practical information they need to treat patients with anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders. A user-friendly structure allows the reader to access information on the basis of physical complaint. The book is divided into five sections, each consisting of a case, discussion of the topic and a summary of key points. For the second edition, sections have been added on Munchausen’s syndrome, the medical risk of death, ruminating, Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, shoplifting, substance use, and patient self-help. The text is supplemented with diagnostic color photographs of important physical manifestations of eating disorders. The text is suitable for all health care professionals involved in eating disorder management, with special information provided for general practitioners, nursing staff, family carers and nutritionists.


Anesthesia Oral Board Review: Knocking Out the Boards 1st Edition


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The accreditation process for anesthesia in the United States is considered one of the most difficult in all medical specialties, with residents required to pass both an oral and written exam to gain certification. This book is specially designed for the American Board of Anesthesiology Oral Examination. The evidence-based approach is presented in a concise outline-oriented format, with an emphasis on test results and visual images. The Knockout Treatment Plan demonstrates the correct method of managing the case to the satisfaction of the examiners, while the Technical Knockout sections give additional tips for successfully passing the examination. The straightforward format of this book makes it suitable not only as an oral review book but also as an introduction to anesthesia rotations for medical students, medical interns, and nurse anesthetist students; furthermore, the book can be used as a technical study guide for anesthesia residents. More than 100 topics in this book have already been board-review tested by residents.


Physics, Pharmacology and Physiology for Anaesthetists: Key Concepts for the FRCA 1st Edition


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The FRCA examination relies in part on a sound understanding of the basic sciences (physics, physiology, pharmacology and statistics) behind anaesthetic practice. It is important to be able to describe these principles clearly, particularly in the viva section of the examination. This book provides the reader with all the important graphs, definitions and equations which may be covered in the examination, together with clear and concise explanations of how to present them to the examiner and why they are important. Particular attention is paid to teaching the reader how to draw the graphs. This is an aspect of the examination which can be overlooked but which, if done well, can create a much better impression in the viva situation. Packed full of precise, clear diagrams with well structured explanations, and with all key definitions, derivations and statistics, this is an essential study aid for all FRCA examination candidates.


SAQs for the Final FRCA 1st Edition


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SAQs for the Final FRCA is an invaluable guide to the Short Answer Question paper for the Final FRCA examination, providing 9 papers of 12 questions per paper. Each question is accompanied by a full model answer structured using a star system to indicate the essential, desirable and supplementary information. Most answers also carry references and additional notes giving insight into why a question was written or what the examiner was really after. A highly informative FAQ section gives advice on all aspects of exam preparation. The book is laid out to enable the candidate to practise sitting whole papers of 12 questions or to attempt individual questions. Written by a group of authors who have either just successfully taken the Final FRCA or are regularly involved with training anaesthetists via the Frenchay Final FRCA Crammer Course, SAQs for the Final FRCA is an invaluable tool for your exam preparation!


How to Think Like a Radiologist: Ordering Imaging Studies 1st Edition


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Radiologic investigations can be confusing to clinicians and radiologists alike. Questions invariably arise as to which type of imaging study best answers the clinical question posed. Once a modality is determined, decisions must be made regarding the technical manner in which the study is performed and if intravenous contrast is required. Patient factors, risks, benefits, and other variables must also be considered. This pocket guide is written for anyone who needs to understand enough about radiology to know which study to order in a patient workup. The book addresses imaging studies by modality, body region, and type of study in bulleted outline format for easy reference. General considerations for each modality – including advantages and disadvantages – are presented, followed by patient preparation and requirements for each type of examination. Dr. Catanzano explains how specific studies are performed and what information can be obtained, study indications, contraindications, and limitations. The book also includes an appendix of tables.


Clinical and Diagnostic Virology (Cambridge Clinical Guides) 1st Edition


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This basic but comprehensive text is aimed at all healthcare professionals who need a clear understanding of medical virology. Written by two highly experienced virologists, the book is divided into five sections: 1) Individual viruses; 2) Other related agents; 3) Clinical syndromes; 4) Diagnostic techniques; 5) Patient management. The individual virus chapters provide information on incubation period, infectivity, control of infection and management. The clinical syndrome chapters provide information on the clinical presentation of disease, thus enabling the reader to search according to patient symptoms rather than referring to several individual virus chapters. The standard chapter formats, simple language and liberal use of tables, figures and algorithms enable quick access to key information, and the comprehensive coverage of all viral agents is unique in a practical guide of this size.


Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia (Cambridge Medicine (Paperback)) 1st Edition


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Ambulatory care can be a challenging setting in which to provide anesthesia – not all patients are suitable for rapid discharge post-operatively and opinions differ as to which types of surgery should be performed as day cases. This comprehensive guide delivers up-to-date, evidence-based advice on how to provide optimal anesthesia care for ambulatory surgery. Written by a leading clinical anesthesiologist, it provides clear guidance about how to handle particular patients in particular situations. The evidence and scientific knowledge for each issue are presented with reference to major studies and review papers, followed by practical advice based on the author’s continuous clinical and scientific experience over 30 years. Topics include planning, equipping and staffing ambulatory units, pharmacology, basic concepts of ambulatory care, pre- and post-operative issues and current controversies. Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia is essential reading for the clinical, postgraduate anesthesiologist as well as nurse anesthetists involved with ambulatory care.


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