Genome Editing 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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This timely volume explores the use of CRISPR-Cas9 for genome editing, presenting cutting-edge techniques and their applications in treatment of disease. The chapters describe latest methods such as use of targetable nucleases, investigation of the non-coding genome, mouse genome editing, increasing of knock-in efficiency in mouse zygotes, and generation of reporter stem cells; the text contextualizes these methods in treatment of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, retinitis pigmentosa, and others. The final chapters round out the book with a discussion of controversies and future directions.
Genome Editing is an essential, of-the-moment contribution to this rapidly growing field. Drawing from a wealth of international perspectives, it presents novel techniques and applications for the engineering of the human genome. This book is essential reading for all clinicians and researchers in stem cells, regenerative medicine, genomics, biochemical and biomedical engineering- especially those interested in learning more about genome editing and applying it in a targeted, specific way.


Corneal Collagen Cross Linking 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book provides comprehensive coverage of corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL), a major management modality for keratoconus and ectatic corneal disorders. All aspects are covered, including refractive and non-refractive surgery indications, models of application, safety, efficacy, performance, outcome measures, evidence of CXL, complications, contraindications, use in children, and controversies. The discussion reflects the considerable progress that has been made in understanding of the modality since its development in the late 1990s. Detailed attention is paid to new concepts, changing surgical techniques and indications, the latest evidence-based science and research, and the future of CXL. Guidance is also provided on the use of CXL in combination with other modalities, such as LASIK, PRK, intracorneal ring implantation and others. The text is accompanied by numerous high-quality color illustrations. Corneal Collagen Cross Linking will provide the reader with a sound grasp of the technique and its use and will hopefully also serve as a stimulus to further research and advances.


Stem Cells, Pre-neoplasia, and Early Cancer of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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About the Author

Stress and Skin Disorders: Basic and Clinical Aspects 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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Dermatological conditions are intimately related to stress. Stress can affect, reveal or even exacerbate a number of skin disorders, including alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pruritus, herpes, lichen planus, rosacea and urticarial. On the other hand, the skin disease itself could induce a secondary stress for the patient, influencing his or her quality of life. There is increasing evidence that stress influences disease processes and contributes to inflammation through the modulating hypothalamicpituitary- adrenal axis – releasing neuropeptides, neurotrophins, lymphokines and other chemical mediators from nerve endings to dermal cells.

This is one of the first books published on this topic, focusing more on the basic science aspects of stress in dermatopathology (oxidants, antioxidants, and oxidative injury in dermatopathology, dermatopharmacology, and dermatotoxicology.) Most Psychodermatology texts adopt a practical approach to identify all types of Psychodermatology disorders, focusing on clinical treatment. This concise title offers a comprehensive and didactic approach to skin diseases caused or exacerbated by stress, as well as covers the immunology, role and effect of stress on skin disease, and quality of life in dermatology. In the current programs of medical residency in dermatology, little is taught about the relationship between stress and skin diseases and this book is an important tool for young dermatologists and psychodermatologists in training.


Introduction to Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics: Basics of Biophysics 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This comprehensive book presents a modern concept in biophysics  based on recently published research. It highlights various aspects of the biophysical fundamentals and techniques that are currently used to study different physical properties of biomolecules, and relates the biological phenomenon with the underlying physical concepts. The content is divided into nine chapters summarizing  the structural details of proteins, including recently discovered novel folds, higher order structures of nucleic acids, as well as lipids and the physical forces governing the macromolecular interactions which are essential for the various biological processes. It also provides insights into the  recent advances in biophysical techniques including Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange with Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS), Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and Cryo Electron Microscopy (cryo EM), supplemented with interesting experimental data.

It is a valuable reference resource for anyone with a desire to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of biophysical concepts and techniques of important biomolecules.


Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Pain by Medical, Interventional, and Integrative Approaches: The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MEDICINE Textbook on Patient Management 2013th Edition

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Edited by master clinician-experts appointed by the American Academy of Pain Medicine, this is a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary textbook covering medical, interventional, and integrative approaches to the treatment and management of pain.   It is designed as a practical and comprehensive primary reference for busy physicians and is also an up-to-date resource for preparing for certification examinations in pain medicine.


·         Written and edited by world-class authorities

·         “Key Points” preview contents of each chapter

·         Leading edge medical topics, such as monitoring opioid use and abuse, and the emerging role of cannabinoids in pain treatment

·         Expert guidance on full range of interventional techniques

·         Clinical anatomy and physiology for the interventionist

·         Behavioral dimensions of the experience and management of pain

·         Integrative approaches for treating the “whole person”

·         Legal issues, such as failure to treat pain

·         First-hand patient accounts


Fast Facts: Sexually Transmitted Infections 2nd Edition

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About the Author

Fast Facts: Smoking Cessation 2nd Edition

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Cigarette smoking is the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in the industrial world, and accounts for 4.9 million deaths worldwide every year. “Fast Facts – Smoking Cessation” gives plenty of practical advice in a clear and eloquent style, along with current information about the effects of smoking on the body, of smoking cessation and the myths about smoking and quitting. The authors, both acknowledged experts in the field, have produced a concise and fascinating handbook that will prove invaluable to anyone who ever records smoking as a vital sign.


Diagnostic Clusters in Shoulder Conditions 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book serves as a definitive guide to diagnosing shoulder conditions for all levels of orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in shoulder pathology, and for junior surgeons in training. It comes at a time when the knowledge regarding shoulder conditions has vastly improved, with the shoulder sub-speciality growing at a rapid pace in terms of practitioner numbers, procedures and evidence-base. However, with the multitude of special tests for shoulder conditions, the clinician faces  a variety of sensitivities and specificities of the respective tests. It is unclear, in most circumstances, which single test is the best and growing evidence confirms that a set of tests is superior for diagnosing shoulder conditions. This forms the basis of cluster testing, which is the key concept for the title and content of this book. In many common shoulder diagnoses the preference for clusters has been reflected in both experience and clinical evidence, but for conditions where evidence for clusters is less clear, a consensus-based approach is utilised by the authors of this key resource for diagnosing shoulder conditions.



Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients (Practical Issues in Geriatrics) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This book clearly explains when and how different rehabilitation techniques should be applied in the aging patient, thereby enabling readers to identify and apply those rehabilitation strategies that will maximize quality of life and functional independence in individual cases. It is specifically designed for ease of consultation and rapid retrieval of the information most relevant to clinical practice. Prominence is given to the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation, with discussion of a very wide range of aspects of rehabilitation in different disease settings. The breadth of coverage is illustrated by the attention paid to less commonly addressed topics such as visual and hearing rehabilitation, the role of robotics and 3D imaging techniques, variations in approach among health care systems, and rehabilitation in end-of-life care. The authors are international academic experts in their fields, guaranteeing a high scientific standard throughout. This manual will be an invaluable tool and source of knowledge for geriatricians and physiatrists but will also appeal to a wider range of clinicians, practitioners, and students.


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