Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer: A New Paradigm for Clinical Management (Current Clinical Urology) 2nd ed. 2018 Edition

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From the Back Cover

Endoscopy in Obesity Management: A Comprehensive Guide 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This text will provide a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of endoscopy in the management of the obese patient. It will serve as a valuable resource for clinicians, surgeons, endoscopists and researchers with an interest in endoscopy in the role of obesity care.  The book will review how endoscopy plays a crucial role in the preoperative evaluation of a patient undergoing a surgical or endoluminal intervention, how intra-operative endoscopy allows evaluation of the newly reconstructed gastrointestinal tract and how post bariatric surgery complications can be managed. Endoscopic evaluation of normal and abnormal surgical anatomy will also be covered. A section dedicated to current and future endoluminal therapies, with a focus on safety, efficacy and technique, will also be thoroughly reviewed.
This text will serve as a very useful resource for endoscopy in both a surgical and gastroenterology practice.  Training, credentialing and the implementation of EBTs into ones practice, endoscopy suite and hospital will also be discussed.


Rotator Cuff Injuries: A Clinical Casebook 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Atlas of Prostate Cancer 2009th Edition

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MRI Atlas of Prostate Cancer analyses high-resolution MRI scanning and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. This combination improves the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer and may soon replace PSA testing and digital rectal examination. The first two chapters focus on normal anatomy, anatomic variations, benign disease and intraprostatic tumors. The subsequent chapters on MRI of extracapsular disease create a useful atlas of pathologic anatomy. This is the first text of its kind to show color-coded DCE-MRI scans of prostate cancer and to correlate these imaging findings with tumor grading. The chapters on the post-treatment prostate clearly display the increasing incidence of post-therapy recurrences. This book is intended for internists, radiologists, radiotherapists, oncologists, urologists, family practitioners, and general surgeons. Ultrasound, MRI, and radiotherapy technicians will find it extremely useful as a reference guide.


D-type Cyclins and Cancer (Current Cancer Research) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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About the Author

Pulmonary Care and Clinical Medicine (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book examines a range of contemporary ideas and arguments concerning the core yet unsettled clinical issues. Important aspects of pulmonary disorders are tackled such as occupational and environmental respiratory health hazards, the role of vitamin D supplementation in airway allergy, or nutritional aspects of care for lung cancer patients. Metabolic disorders affecting the processes of atherogenesis and systemic inflammation also are tackled. Attention is directed to rare but severe pediatric disease entities. Articles give readers practice at analyzing clinical data. The practical insights emphasize the role of science in transforming biomedical knowledge and care. This volume will be essential reading for clinicians, researchers, and other healthcare professionals engaged in effective patient care and therapy.


Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infection: A global perspective on diagnosis, treatment options, prevention strategies and their economic impact 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is among the most serious complications in the field of endoprosthetics. The number of PJIs is increasing worldwide and poses a real interdisciplinary challenge for everyone involved. For the patient concerned, it is necessary to promptly work out an adequate therapy solution to fight off the infection. Both the clinical experience of the surgeon and the proper diagnostic processes are prerequisite for the reliable detection and identification of an infection. The microbiologist is responsible for identifying the causative germs by screening the patient’s synovial fluid and tissue samples. Based on the findings and subsequent resistance testing, the infectious disease specialist can recommend the appropriate antibiotic therapy. Furthermore, the clinical pharmacist is consulted regularly throughout the therapy to discuss the risk of potential drug interactions. The surgeon will proceed with the revision surgery, following defined algorithms. Adequate radical debridement of infected and necrotic surrounding tissue is the most important step towards a successful cure of the infection. Accompanying the surgery, anti-infective agents are given systemically and locally. While systemic application of anti-infectives mainly reduces the number of haematogenic-spreading planktonic germs, local application immediately forms a colonization barrier and protects the implant from sessile biofilm formation. Concurrently, antibiotics are actively released from the implant, resulting in local germ reduction. Thus, local agents are embedded in the concept of surgical PJI treatment as a reliable adjuvant measure and they sustainably support the successful outcome. In one-stage procedures, local agents are released from specialized antibiotic-loaded bone cements, while in two- or multi-stage procedures, local agents are released from corresponding temporary spacers (interim prostheses). Even from an economic standpoint, the combination of systemic and local agent application is meaningful. Furthermore, there are some interesting trends towards the coating of metallic implants to protect against biofilm formation on the implant surface.

On the basis of their personal experience, specialists from all over the world present, explain and discuss preventive approaches, appropriate diagnostic strategies for detection, reproducible effective surgical treatments  as well as the economic impact of PJI. The reader can use this book as a solid platform for comparing their own approach to PJI treatment with the specialists’ recommendations.


Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis: Spine And Temporomandibular Joints (Contemporary Issues in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine) 1st Edition

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Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis is a comprehensive and easily-accessible compendium of theory and technique related to orthopaedic manual therapy (OMT). This essential resource covers key topics such as spinal anatomy, biomechanics, arthrology, general functional aspects of the spine, definitions, theories, and examination. This text combines a comprehensive discussion of both the pathophysiologic rationale and the applied evidence base with regard to OMT diagnosis. It demonstrates numerous diagnostic techniques used in the clinical practice of manual medicine. Providing an up-to-date analysis of spinal examination, this is an ideal textbook for courses in OMT. It also serves as a reference for all manual medicine practitioners including physical therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and medical physicians.


How to Succeed at the Medical Interview 2nd Edition

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How to Succeed at the Medical Interview provides candidates with a competitive edge. It reduces the likelihood of unexpected questions or situations and helps improve confidence before and during the medical interview.

This new second edition includes updated content on changes to the structure of healthcare and how this affects both the application and interview process. It details the types of questions that will be asked at medical interviews and also provides improved guidance for overseas doctors and healthcare professionals and for those seeking to practice abroad.

How to Succeed at the Medical Interview is the ideal guide for Foundation Programme trainees, Specialist Registrars and General Practitioner trainees. It is also valuable for healthcare professionals facing competitive medical interviews at any stage of their career.


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