Ocular Surface Disease: A Case-Based Guide 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Inherited Metabolic Diseases: A Clinical Approach 2nd ed

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From the Back Cover

Pediatric Cytopathology: A Practical Guide 1st ed

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This text presents serious challenges for trainees, clinicians, and practicing pathologists and cytopathologists due to the wide spectrum of diagnoses that may be seen in children and the lack of familiarity with these entities. This reference book has been designed as a practical, high-yield review of pediatric cytopathology. Key findings are highlighted and up-to-date information is provided on the diagnosis of pediatric lesions by cytology, with extensive guidance on differential diagnosis. The book includes tables and full-color images of the cytomorphology and ancillary studies, as well as pertinent histological correlation and guidance on technical issues.

Pediatric Cytopathology: A Practical Guide will be an essential reference for anyone interested in the cytomorphological findings in childhood diseases.



Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series) 1st ed

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About the Author

Coronaviruses with Special Emphasis on First Insights Concerning SARS (Birkhýýuser Advances in Infectious Diseases)

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-SARS has received much attention and coverage by the media and has a high impact on the public making this a hot research topic for scientists.



Anesthesia and Neurotoxicity 1st ed

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This book, written by leading Japanese experts in the field, describes the latest findings on the neurotoxicity of anesthetics for the developing brain, postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction.

It describes the risk factors for postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly surgical patients. Since the number of elderly patients undergoing surgery and anesthesia continues to increase, it is important to improve our understanding of the risks and mechanisms of postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction, potential ways to prevent or alleviate them and the public health implications.

Recently, it has been shown that using anesthetics on the developing brain causes apoptotic neurodegeneration and persistent learning/memory deficits later in life. Anesthesiologists need more information on this mechanism in the human brain.

The negative effects of anesthesia and surgery on the nervous system have attracted attention lately; this book provides physicians, researchers, and postdocs with invaluable information on this topic.



Human Embryo Transfer 1st ed

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This concise work on embryo transfer is yet another contribution to the persevering effort to disseminate latest information on the science and skill of performing a traumatic and successful embryo transfer. It is  the most critical culmination of the assisted reproductive technology (ART) stimulation cycle, and a rate-limiting step in dictating the success of treatment. The well-worded chapters draw the reader’s attention to significant aspects before initiating the actual embryo transfer, such as possible causes of failure at the embryo transfer stage, uterine evaluation, mock embryo transfer (ET), experience of the physician, and the use of ultrasound-guidance to monitor ET. The protocol for difficult transfers, variables that affect the success of ET, and the influence of the catheter used for ET have also been dealt with. The unique feature of this book is its pragmatic approach that can translate into solutions to the numerous frustrating ART failures that more often than not, may be attributed to an inefficient ET procedure. It helps the reader understand the integrity of embryo transfer, unravel its obvious simplicity and bridge the success between the several steps of ART. By highlighting the impeding problems associated with ET procedure and providing valid, scientific solutions, this stimulating edition will help the readers improve the ART success rates in their clinical practice.



Gleason Grading of Prostate Cancer: A Contemporary Approach 1st Edition

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Featuring more than 300 full-color photomicrographs that represent the entire spectrum of the Gleason grading system, this atlas is the first comprehensive and definitive reference devoted to Gleason grading of prostate cancer. It is written by four eminent authorities in urologic pathology who bring their collective expertise and consensus opinion in Gleason grading. Illustrative case examples from the authors’ collections highlight the pitfalls and problems of applying the Gleason grading system to contemporary techniques in pathology.



Prenatal Testosterone in Mind: Amniotic Fluid Studies (MIT Press)

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From the Inside Flap

Robotic Surgery for Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair: A Manual of Best Practices 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

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