Fungal Nanobionics: Principles and Applications 1st ed

Fungal Nanobionics: Principles and Applications 1st ed

Fungal nanobionics has great prospects for developing new products with industrial, agriculture, medicine and consumer applications in a wide range of sectors. The fields of chemical engineering, agri-food, biochemical, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and medical device development all employ fungal products, with fungal nanomaterials currently used in a wide range of applications, ranging from drug development to food industry and agricultural sector. The fungal agents emerge as an environmentally friendly, clean, non‐toxic agent for the biogenic metal nanoparticles and employs both intracellular and extracellular methods. The simplicity of scaling up and downstream processing and the presence of fungal mycelia affording an increased surface area provide key advantages. In addition, the larger spectrum of synthesized nanoparticle morphologies and the substantially faster biosynthesis rate in cell-free filtrate (due to the higher amount of proteins secreted in fungi) make this a particularly enticing route. Understanding the diversity of fungi in assorted ecosystems, as well as their interactions with other microorganisms, animals and plants, is essential to underpin real and innovative technological developments and the applications of metal nanoparticles in many disciplines including agriculture, catalysis, and biomedical biosensors. Importantly, biogenic fungal nanoparticles show significant synergistic characteristics when combined with antibiotics and fungicides to offer substantially greater resistance to microbial growth and applications in nanomedicine ranging from topical ointments and bandages for wound healing to coated stents.



Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology 1st Edition

Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology 1st Edition

Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology provides a practical, comprehensive yet concise guide for fellows, residents, and specialist trainees in the diagnosis and management of gynecologic cancers. The book is easy to read and designed for quick reference, with streamlined data to support treatment recommendations. The chapters have been condensed from the key chapters in Barakat, Markman and Randall’s Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, Fifth Edition and are consistently organized to move from incidence to etiology to diagnosis and treatment. Helpful algorithms and reference tables are included where appropriate. Key points appear in shaded boxes within each chapter.



Pediatric Urogenital Radiology (Medical Radiology) 3rd ed

Pediatric Urogenital Radiology (Medical Radiology) 3rd ed

This third edition of Pediatric Urogenital Radiology has been thoroughly updated to take account of the recent advances in the imaging and treatment of pediatric nephro-urologic disorders that have been achieved over the past years. A number of new chapters have been included on topics such as the role of ultrasound and MRI for urogenital imaging in the fetus and the use of contrast media in childhood. Other chapters have been extensively revised or rewritten, while information that continues to be pertinent has been retained.

The book describes in detail all aspects of pediatric urogenital radiology. It is written primarily from the point of view of the radiologist, but also includes essential clinical information from and for the pediatrician, pediatric surgeon, and urologist. It is specifically designed to aid the clinician in making decisions on imaging management, and to help the radiologist to understand the clinical background and needs. The newest techniques and the changing relevance of imaging and interventional procedures are described, and the diverse problems associated with the changing anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology from the newborn period to adulthood are explained. The whole spectrum of imaging features of agenesis, anomalies and malformations, dysplasia, parenchymal and cystic diseases, urolithiasis, neoplastic diseases, renal vascular hypertension, renal failure, renal transplantation, pre-and postoperative imaging, and genitourinary trauma is covered. Individual chapters are devoted to vesicoureteric reflux, urinary tract infection, congenital urinary tract dilatation, upper urinary tract dilatation, voiding dysfunction, and neurogenic bladder. A chapter on the clinical management of common nephrourologic disorders explains how imaging is embedded in the whole process of clinical management. Short conclusions are included at the end of chapters and sections to highlight the key information.



Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology Essentials 2nd Edition

Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology Essentials 2nd Edition

With up-to-date, easy-access coverage of every aspect of diagnostic radiologyGrainger and Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology Essentials, 2nd Edition, is an ideal review and reference for radiologists in training and in practice. This comprehensive overview of fundamental information in the field prepares you for exams and answers the practical questions you encounter every day. In a single, convenient volume, this one-stop resource is derived from, and cross-referenced to, the renowned authoritative reference work Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology, 6th Edition.


  • Concentrates on the subjects that general diagnostic radiologists need to know, covering all diagnostic imaging modalities and organized by organ and system.
  • Uses a concise, highly templated, bulleted format that helps you find the answers you need quickly and easily.
  • Features more than 2,000 high-quality images, including plain film, CT, MRI, and ultrasound.
  • Presents images directly linked to relevant text on the facing page – no flipping back and forth to review the key radiological features of disease entities.
  • Features a new section on interventional radiology that covers interventional vascular radiology techniques, cross sectional angiography, specific drainage techniques, tumor ablation principles, and intervention in hepatobiliary, genitourinary and gynecological conditions.
  • Contains a new section on functional imaging which includes both MRI (diffusion weighted imaging and perfusion MRI) and PETCT.
  • Includes diagnostic “pearls” that help you avoid pitfalls and errors in diagnosis.
  • Includes a useful Appendix with many quick-reference items that are hard to remember but essential in day-to-day practice. New content includes intravascular contrast media, anticoagulation agents and sedation, the latest TNM 8th edition of staging cancers, and new section on PI-RADS and BI-RADS.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.



Aiims Mamc Pgi’s Comprehensive Textbook of Diagnostic Radiology 3 Volumes 1st Edition

Aiims Mamc Pgi’s Comprehensive Textbook of Diagnostic Radiology 3 Volumes 1st Edition

AIIMS MAMC – PGI’s Comprehensive Textbook of Diagnostic Radiology is an extensive three volume review of conventional and novel imaging techniques for the diagnosis of a wide range of diseases. The first volume of this book covers neuroradiology, including head and neck, recent advances and applied physics in imaging. The second volume covers chest and cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary, and genitourinary imaging. The final volume covers paediatric imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, including information on imaging for bone, soft tissue and joint diseases, and breast imaging including the role of mammography. AIIMS MAMC – PGI’s Comprehensive Textbook of Diagnostic Radiology includes discussion on various imaging modalities and the potential for their future use. The book is enhanced by over 6250 images and illustrations, making this an ideal visual resource for radiology residents and practising radiologists. Key Points Three volume review of diagnostic imaging techniques Volumes cover neuroradiology, chest, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, genitourinary, paediatric musculoskeletal, and breast imaging 6254 images and illustrations





Medical Parasitology

Medical Parasitology

Parasites and parasitic morbidity and/or disease seem to be a birth right of the tropics. This is a sequel to greaterbiodiversity fragmented in relation to biogeography and climatic shifts congenial to nocturnal enemies of humans,like mosquitoes. In fact in some cases parasite strategies have thwarted attempts of the scientific community toeradicate them. The best example running its course now is any kind of flu. Flu is no simple single strain strategy.At the base of parasitic diseases, man has recognized a dichotomy namely, animal diseases and diseases of man butthere may be links between humans and animal (zoonoses).We owe a great deal to the British Empire in the expansion of knowledge of tropical diseases especially ofpeninsular India with more or less warm climate plenty of room for growth of intermediate host like Anopheles(malaria), Culex (filaria) and Aedes (dengue). The School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at London is especiallyinterested in this direction. We have at the present time many insitutions in India dealing with public health problems.







Paniker’s Textbook of Medical Parasitology 7th Edition

Paniker’s Textbook of Medical Parasitology 7th Edition

Fully revised, new edition providing undergraduate students with the most up to date information in the field of parasitology. Covers all key parasites and parasitic diseases. Includes review questions for revision. Previous edition publsihed 2007.







Atlas on Narrow Band Imaging in Upper Aerodigestive Tract Lesions 1st ed

Atlas on Narrow Band Imaging in Upper Aerodigestive Tract Lesions 1st ed

This book covers all aspects of narrow band imaging (NBI), including research, general principles and diagnostic features in various ENT pathologies. In addition to highlighting the advantages of NBI over white light endoscopy for the detection of early cancers and lesions that are less than 1 cm in diameter, the book offers a step-by-step approach to help readers easily grasp various pathologies of the upper aerodigestive tract. It discusses both malignant and non-malignant aspects of NBI and provides extensive information on inflammatory lesions of the upper aerodigestive tract, including various clinical features of laryngopharyngeal reflux. Subsequent chapters cover the most difficult aspects of NBI in treated mucosa (post-chemo radiated), in which the potential recurrence of disease is a key question. It also addresses the limitations of NBI, including false positive and false negative cases.

Given its scope, the book will benefit otolaryngologists, oncosurgeons, radiation oncologists and oral medicine practitioners, as well as graduate students of ENT, radiotherapy, oral medicine and oncosurgery.







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