Desk Encyclopedia of Human and Medical Virology 1st Edition

Desk Encyclopedia of Human and Medical Virology 1st Edition

This volume contains 82 chapters that provide detail and understanding to the fields of human and medical virology. The first section describes general features of common human viruses with specialized chapters related to HIV/AIDS. The volume goes on to describe exotic virus infections, including one now eradicated virus (smallpox) and some now controlled by vaccination such as yellow fever. Concepts of medical virology are further developed with entries on viruses associated with oncogenesis and selections of interest to medical virology.

  • The most comprehensive single-volume source providing an overview of virology issues related to human and medical applications
  • Bridges the gap between basic undergraduate texts and specialized reviews
  • Concise and general overviews of important topics within the field will help in preparation of lectures, writing reports, or drafting grant applications



The Encyclopedia of Elder Care: The Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric Health and Social Care (Capezuti, Encyclopedia of Elder Care) 3rd Edition

The Encyclopedia of Elder Care: The Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric Health and Social Care (Capezuti, Encyclopedia of Elder Care) 3rd Edition

“The information [in this book] is amazing. I reviewed topics in which I have expertise and was very satisfied. This is an excellent addition to my library and I will refer to it often, much like a medical dictionary. Score: 90, 4 Stars.–Doody’s Medical Reviews

“The third edition of this encyclopedia provides 273 comprehensive, yet succinct, entries on a variety of topics related to elder care. … In addition, many of the entries include see also references that help readers easily navigate the book. Entries are written at an undergraduate level and would be useful for practitioners, students, and caregivers…Recommended.”–Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

This interdisciplinary clinical reference encompasses more than 310 current entries on a broad range of topics related to geriatrics and geriatric care across multiple health care disciplines. The third edition reflects the many advances in geriatrics that have occurred since the publication of the second edition in 2006. It contains the updated, evidence-based contributions of more than 260 nationally recognized geriatric healthcare professionals regarding elder-care concerns relating to society, community, caregiving, and the individual. Completely new entries address Geriatric Care Models (acute care for elders, Project BOOST), Geriatric Health Issues (diarrhea in adults, prolonged hospitalization, frailty, fronto-temporal dementia, re-hospitalization, acute urinary retention, personality and aging, primary palliative care), Technology and Aging (Smart home sensors, Telehealth, Surveillance technology), and more.

The Encyclopedia is organized alphabetically and includes links to important Web-based resources and Apps. Clinical topics comprehensively address diagnosis, treatment, and disease management. Health care clinicians across the continuum will find this reference—the only one of its kind–to be a valuable guide to making appropriate referrals to social service providers, and social service professionals will be well informed by highly accessible descriptions of diagnoses, clinical syndromes, and care management.

Key Features:

  • Includes over 310 updated geriatric and geriatric care clinical entries across multiple healthcare disciplines
  • Contains state-of-the-art contributions from over 260 nationally recognized geriatric healthcare experts
  • Provides clinical content for social service professionals and social care information for clinicians
  • Offers new information on multiple topics relating to Geriatric Care Models, Geriatric Health Concerns, and Technology and Aging
  • References numerous Web-based resources and Apps


WHO Classification of Tumours of the Female Reproductive Organs [OP] (Medicine) 4th Edition

WHO Classification of Tumours of the Female Reproductive Organs [OP] (Medicine) 4th Edition

WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs is the sixth volume in the Fourth Edition of the WHO series on histological and genetic typing of human tumors. This authoritative, concise reference book provides an international standard for oncologists and pathologists and will serve as an indispensable guide for use in the design of studies monitoring response to therapy and clinical outcome.

Diagnostic criteria, pathological features, and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O codes, epidemiology, clinical features, macroscopy, pathology, genetics, and prognosis and predictive factors. The book, prepared by 91 authors from 19 countries, contains more than 400 color images and tables, and more than 2100 references.

This book is in the series commonly referred to as the “Blue Book” series.


A Colour Atlas of Medical Entomology (CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability (Hardcover) Book 10) 1st Edition

A Colour Atlas of Medical Entomology (CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability (Hardcover) Book 10) 1st Edition

A there it is! guide to insects of medical and public health concern, mainly in the tropics. Each chapter covers identification, life cycle and habits of the causative stage and its medical/public health significance.


Principles Of Molecular Neurosurgery (Progress in Neurological Surgery) 1st Edition

Principles Of Molecular Neurosurgery (Progress in Neurological Surgery) 1st Edition

“This book encompasses developing an understanding of the principles underlying the advent of novel molecular approaches to neurological and neurosurgical diseases. It identifies key principles that will allow dramatic improvement in the treatment and outcomes of patients suffering from a variety of disorders affecting the central nervous system and spinal axis.” This volume gives neurosurgeons an excellent understanding of the development of novel molecular and cellular technologies that will markedly change the way neurosurgery is practiced in the near future. It is also of special interest to neurologists, psychiatrists, physiatrists, spinal orthopaedic surgeons, neurobiologists and gene therapy research scientists.


Self Assessment and Review ENT 7th Edition

Self Assessment and Review ENT 7th Edition

Bestseller book on ENTThoroughly revised and updated edition including latest exam pattern questions with explanationsMore than 200 latest pattern questions with explanationsExplanatory questions and answers of AIIMS (2000-2015), PGI (2000-2015) and All India (2000-2012)Color plates of all important illustrations and instruments given in a separate sectionA must-buy book for All India, AIIMS, PGI, JIPMER, DNB and state entrance exams Bestseller book on ENTThoroughly revised and updated edition including latest exam pattern questions with explanationsMore than 200 latest pattern questions with explanationsExplanatory questions and answers of AIIMS (2000-2015), PGI (2000-2015) and All India (2000-2012)Color plates of all important illustrations and instruments given in a separate sectionA must-buy book for All India, AIIMS, PGI, JIPMER, DNB and state entrance exams


ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide 1st Edition

ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide 1st Edition

Designed for trainees at all levels, ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide provides concise, step-by-step instructions to the core otolaryngology, head and neck, and facial plastics procedures that surgeons are likely to encounter in daily practice. Convenient and portable, this guide provides enough information to allow trainees to


Black’s Medical Dictionary

Black’s Medical Dictionary

The forty-first edition gives over 5000 definitions and descriptions of medical terms and concepts accompanied by appendices on important subjects such as Health Economics, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Common Medical Tests and an address list of support and professional organisations. All material has been checked and updated with new and substantially revised entries on: abortion, anaesthetics, assisted conception, breast screening, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), clinical guidelines, clinical trials, evidence-based medicine, general practice, Gulf War syndrome, menopause, psychosomatic medicine.


Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease: Expert Consult – Online and Print 5th Edition

Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease: Expert Consult – Online and Print 5th Edition

Advances in diagnosing and treating congenital heart disease, through cardiac medicine as well as surgery, have allowed many children, who formerly would have died, to survive through childhood and in many cases into adulthood. As a result, cardiologists are spending an increasing amount of time treating such patients, both children and adults, and consequently there is a real need for up-to-date and comprehensive information on this rapidly evolving area.

The extensively revised and fully-updated new edition of this classic text continues to provide 
unparalleled guidance on all of the clinical features of unoperated congenital heart disease, from birth through to adulthood. Written by a world-renowned authority on congenital heart disease, it offers complete coverage of the signs, symptoms and clinical manifestations of malpositioned, malformed or absent cardiovascular chambers, vessels and valves – using traditional as well as state-of-the-art technology.

  • Discusses the history, anatomic features, and physiologic consequences of unoperated congenital heart disease in each chapter.
  • Features the expertise of world-renowned authority on congenital heart disease, Dr. Joseph K. Perloff.
  • New chapter on Congenital Abnormalities of the Pericardium
  • Expanded material on genetics and developmental biology
  • Discussion of hot topics such as Ebstein’s Anomoly of the Tricuspid Valve
  • Over 1,200 illustrations – all either new or reworked – enabling clear visualization and recognition of malformations


Handbook of Obstetric Medicine 5th Edition

Handbook of Obstetric Medicine 5th Edition

Medical professionals are often involved in the management of the pregnant patient without necessarily being experts on all the complications surrounding pregnancy. The Handbook of Obstetric Medicine addresses the most common and serious medical conditions encountered in pregnancy, including heart disease, thromboembolism, diabetes, skin problems, gastrointestinal disease, neurological problems, hormonal diseases, hypertension and pre-eclampsia, and more.

For each condition, the handbook includes a description of incidence, clinical features, pathogenesis, diagnosis, the effect of pregnancy, and management of the condition. The book also includes a detailed section focusing on the differential diagnosis of common symptoms including hypertension, chest pain, palpitations, breathlessness, headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, and more.

The symptoms and differential diagnoses are presented in an easy-to-read tabular format and include a description of important clinical features and potential areas of investigation. For those clinicians understandably reluctant to prescribe drugs during pregnancy, a useful appendix includes a list of contraindicated drugs. In addition, to assist in the interpretation of laboratory tests, a second appendix lists normal laboratory values in pregnancy, broken down by trimester.

The handbook uses a pragmatic and easy-to-use design by including tables, bullets, and “Points to remember” boxes for ease of reference. It is an essential on-the-spot guide for obstetricians, physicians, general practitioners, and midwives in both practice and training.


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