Pharmacology Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking First Edition

Pharmacology Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking First Edition

The road to nursing success begins here! A complete review of core concepts. More than 1,150 classroom-tested, NCLEX®-style questions. (Alternate format, too!) Test-taking hints and rationales for correct and incorrect answers. TWO BOOKS IN ONE! Course review now. NCLEX®-prep later. 1,150 critical thinking questions (both multiple choice and alternate format) organize the seemingly huge volume of pharmacology information students must master into manageable sections divided by body systems and specific diseases. They not only learn to associate the medication with the disease process, making learning easier, but are also able to evaluate their knowledge of medications prior to taking their exams. All of the questions encompass the basic concepts for medication administration, including why the client is taking the medication • when the nurse would question administering the medication • how the nurse knows the medication is effective • and what interventions the nurse needs to teach the client concerning the medication. “I love that the questions come with rationales and that the books are filled with relevant questions! Tons of people in my class use them and without fail we rave about them after each test!”―Taryn Van Rensburg, Student Nurse at Naugatuck Valley Community College, CT. Click Here for a Special Mail-In Rebate Offer


Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy 4th Edition

Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy 4th Edition

Get all the basics on drug therapies—and administer drugs confidently and accurately—with the Newly updated Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition.

Written in the enjoyable, award-winning 
Incredibly Easy style, this easy-to-follow, fully illustrated guide offers step-by-step direction on the medication process, from assessing patient needs, to planning care, to implementation and positive outcomes. Strengthen your understanding of your class materials, get ready for the NCLEX® or certification exam, and administer drug therapies—safely and effectively

Build a strong platform of pharmacology knowledge and skills with. . .

  • New and updated content on the Newest approved medications and dosages and New tables listing:
  • New vaccines and treatment for biological weapons exposure
  • New treatment and antidotes for chemical weapons exposure
  • New herbal drugs content
  • New icons and images that clarify content
  • Revised and updated content on the concepts of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutic
  • Pharmacology basics – How drugs are derived, developed, classified, and administered; classes of drugs by body system; their uses and mechanisms
  • “Nurse Joy” and “Nurse Jake” illustrated characters offering tips and insights throughout
  • Quick-scan format with concise, bulleted content
  • Hundreds of illustrations and diagrams explaining key concepts and providing clear direction on administering drugs; drug distribution, absorption, and metabolism; potential drug interactions; adverse reactions; how different classes of drugs work in different body systems
  • Special chapter features:
    • Just the facts – A quick summary of chapter content
    • Advice from the experts – Experienced practitioners’ insights
    • Prototype pro – Actions, indications, and nursing considerations for common prototype drugs
    • Nursing process – Patient assessment, diagnosis, outcome goals, implementation, and evaluation for each type and class of drug
    • Pharm function – Illustrating how drugs act in the body; recognizing and treating adverse reactions
    • Before you give that drug – Warnings to consider before you administer a drug
    • Education edge – Information to share with your patient
    • Quick quiz – End-of-chapter questions with answers/explanations, to help you remember the essentials
  • End-of-book multiple-choice Q&A; Quick Guides to Medication Safety, Ophthalmic and Dermatologic Drugs, and Abbreviations to Avoid; Glossary of essential pharmacology terms.


Psychiatry (Lecture Notes Book 75) 11th Edition

Psychiatry (Lecture Notes Book 75) 11th Edition

Lecture Notes: Psychiatry provides a concise and accessible introduction to the fundamentals of Psychiatry, presenting the principles of Psychiatric examination followed by systematic coverage of the major psychiatric disorders, as well as covering management and treatment options.

This eleventh edition has been revised to include recent developments in history-taking, psychotropic drugs and case presentations, as well as covering the practical elements of patient guidance and care.

Key features include:

• Clearly presented tables, figures and end-of-chapter ‘Key point’ summaries to aid revision
• An emphasis on core management skills needed by Junior Doctors in both psychiatric and general hospital settings
• Quick reference guides to help structure patient assessments on-the-go
• MCQs and case studies in line with medical school and professional level psychiatry exams

For those embarking on study or refreshing their knowledge of psychiatry, 
Lecture Notes: Psychiatry provides a step-by-step guide to both its wider and patient-centred practice.


Practice of Clinical Echocardiography 5th Edition

Practice of Clinical Echocardiography 5th Edition

The new edition of Practice of Clinical Echocardiography provides expert guidance on interpreting echocardiographic images and Doppler flow data. Designed for those already equipped with a mastery of basic principles, this definitive reference shows you how to apply these findings to your daily clinical decision making. Each chapter focuses on a specific disease process with technical details of qualitative and quantitative interpretation of echocardiographic images and Doppler flow data.

  • Disease-oriented chapters emphasize the role of echocardiography in clinical decision making and prediction of clinical outcomes.
  • New chapters cover emerging technologies, including transcatheter procedures for structural heart disease.
  • Numerous images illustrate findingswhile diagrams explain pathophysiology and flow charts guide clinical practice.
  • Each chapter includes a summary box with a practical approach to echo data acquisition, measurement, and interpretation.
  • Expert Consult digital book for your phone and tablet isincluded at no cost with the print book.
  • Echo images play in real time when clicked on your smart device or online.


Clinical Atlas of ENT and Head & Neck Diseases 1st Edition

Clinical Atlas of ENT and Head & Neck Diseases 1st Edition

This atlas and text is a practical guide to otolaryngology for medical trainees. Divided into seven sections, each part is dedicated to a different area in the head and neck nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, ear and neck, with a final section on endoscopy. Each chapter begins with the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the region, followed by detailed discussion on the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of associated diseases and disorders. The interactive DVD ROM includes four Powerpoint presentations, as well as videos of surgical procedures. 400 full colour images and illustrations enhance learning.


Textbook Of Ear, Nose, Throat And Head & Neck Surgery Clinical And Practical, 3E (Pb 2014) 3rd Edition

Textbook Of Ear, Nose, Throat And Head & Neck Surgery Clinical And Practical, 3E (Pb 2014) 3rd Edition

This is the third edition of the comprehensive textbook of otorhinolaryngology and head & neck surgery, covering theoretical, clinical and practical aspects of the subject including the recent advances, which has been thoroughly revised and completely upd


Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology 5th Edition

Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology 5th Edition

First written by Philip Stell and Arnold Maran in 1972, Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology has been revised in both content and approach over the years to reflect the enormous progress made in the area. Now in its fifth edition, the book remains a key textbook for trainees in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery.

Written with a strong multidisciplinary approach, the book has expanded considerably to include the expertise of international editors and contributing authors from a wide variety of backgrounds, including ENT, radiotherapy, plastic surgery, and maxillofacial surgery.

Key Features:

  • An international team of editors and contributors from a variety of different specialties
  • Thoroughly updated to include recent advances in molecular biology and diagnostic imaging
  • A greatly expanded section on reconstruction to reflect the importance of this area
  • An improved balance of content to enhance the multidisciplinary approach
  • Full-colour photos and illustrations throughout

As a first text for trainee head and neck and ENT surgeons or as a reference source for practitioners in a variety of related fields, Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology remains the best-illustrated and most up-to-date volume in its field.

Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.


Sensory Systems: II: Senses Other than Vision (Readings from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience) 1st Edition

Sensory Systems: II: Senses Other than Vision (Readings from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience) 1st Edition

This series of books, “Readings from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.” consists of collections of subject-clustered articles taken from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience is a reference source and compendium of more than 700 articles written by world authorities and covering all of neuroscience. We define neuroscience broadly as including all those fields that have as a primary goal the under­ standing of how the brain and nervous system work to mediate/control behavior, including the mental behavior of humans. Those interested in specific aspects of the neurosciences, particular subject areas or specialties, can of course browse through the alphabetically arranged articles of the En­ cyclopedia or use its index to find the topics they wish to read. However. for those readers-students, specialists, or others-who will find it useful to have collections of subject-clustered articles from the Encyclopedia, we issue this series of “Readings” in paperback. Students in neuroscience, psychology, medicine, biology, the mental health professions, and other disciplines will find that these collections provide concise summaries of cutting­ edge research in rapidly advancing fields. The nonspecialist reader will find them useful summary statements of important neuroscience areas. Each collection was compiled, and includes an introductory essay, by an authority in that field.


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