Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology and Allergy is a unique, practical and clinically relevant guide for clinicians and laboratory staff to assist with the diagnosis and management of immunological/allergic disease, and the correct selection and interpretation of immunological tests. Now fully updated for the third edition, the handbook has been expanded to include the latest developments, drugs, diagnostic tests, and therapy options in the field.

With concise, bullet-point coverage of the entire breadth of immunological and allergic disease, this handbook has been specially written to ensure the information you need is always at your fingertips. The first section covers clinical diseases, giving guidance on test selection and interpretation for both diagnosis and monitoring. The second section covers diagnostic tests, summarizing the methodology and pros and cons of each. Expertly written, reviewed by specialists, and fully up-to-date, you can be sure that the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology and Allergy provides all the vital information you will need to assist you in effective practice.




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