OSCEs in Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach 1st Edition

OSCEs in Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach 1st Edition

OSCEs are a familiar component of postgraduate examinations worldwide, simulating clinical scenarios to assess a candidate’s clinical skills and a range of competencies. This book will combine comprehensive knowledge and evidence-based practice standards in obstetrics and medical complications of pregnancy into a patient-centered approach using standardized OSCE scenarios. Taking an innovative, unique approach to diverse common clinical scenarios, it will be useful to trainees preparing for high-stakes certification examinations, and all healthcare workers providing obstetrical care. By using the provided clinical cases for self-assessment or peer-review practice, important aspects of focused history taking and patient management are elucidated. For those working in obstetrical care, this book is an essential teaching tool for all levels of training. The book will therefore serve as a key teaching tool at various levels. Readers can use the clinical cases for self-assessment or peer-review practice, to elucidate important aspects of focused history-taking and evidence-based patient management.


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