Lecture Notes: General Surgery 12th Edition


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The 12th edition of General Surgery Lecture Notes introduces the student to the principles of common surgical operations and systematically covers all clinical problems where surgical intervention is indicated.

Now in full colour throughout and fully-supported by a website of self-assessment questions and answers, this popular and classic text will appeal to all medical students and junior doctors who want a concise introduction to the fundamental aspects of general surgery and will provide the core knowledge needed for Finals and the MRCS examination.

Key features include:

  • Offers a comprehensive overview of surgical techniques
  • Contains a wide range of colour illustrations
  • Fully supported by hundreds of self-assessment questions and answers at www.testgeneralsurgery.com

Whether you need to develop or refresh your knowledge of surgery, General Surgery Lecture Notes presents ‘need to know’ information for all those carrying out general surgical procedures.



Single Best Answers in Surgery 1st Edition


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Single Best Answers in Surgery offers a new approach to revising for surgical finals; by not only indicating the correct answer to each question, but explaining the full rationale used for finding the answer in each case. This means the book is invaluable not only for self-testing before an exam, but will have long-term value throughout a student’s surgical studies, through to finals exams and beyond. The questions are arranged into topic areas, followed by a practice exam for true self-assessment.

Single Best Answers in Surgery contains 450 questions and answers in the following areas:

(1) Pre- and Postoperative Management, (2) Fluid Balance and Parenteral Nutrition, (3) Trauma, (4) Abdomen: Upper GI and Hepatobiliary Surgery, (5) Abdomen: Lower GI Surgery (6) Abdomen: The Acute Abdomen, (7) Breast Surgery, (8) Vascular Surgery, (9) Urology, (10) Orthopaedics, (11) Neurosurgery, (12) ENT Surgery, (13) Ophthalmic Surgery, (14) Lumps, Bumps, Skin and Hernias, (15) Practice exam

Produced by an excellent team of authors and with an introduction by Editorial Advisor Professor Sir Ara Darzi KBE.



SBAs and EMQs for the MRCS Part A: A Bailey & Love Revision Guide (Bailey & Love Revision Guides)


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SBAs and EMQs for the MRCS Part A is an invaluable guide to sitting and passing the examination, which tests the candidates in their knowledge of the basic sciences as applied to surgical practice.

Based on the highly successful Insider Medical MRCS Examination Clinical Course, this book facilitates the pathway for a novice clinician to pass this challenging examination. College-approved, systematic and coherent questions for all the main systems are included, providing comprehensive coverage of the surgical curriculum. Answers are provided in brief at the foot of each question page for rapid reference, while full explanations of each appear in a separate section at the end of each chapter.

The sections provide insider tips on how to pass the examination and identify mistakes commonly made by many candidates, whilst providing references to the key chapters within Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery.

With over 350 SBAs and 50 EMQs, this book will provide helpful pointers for further study throughout training, and is essential reading for those preparing to sit Part A of the MRCS examination.



OSCEs for the MRCS Part B: A Bailey & Love Revision Guide (Hodder Arnold Publication) 1st Edition


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This book is designed to help the candidate in preparation for the newly revised oral examination or OSCE, the concluding element required to pass the MRCS examination. Success requires a solid working knowledge and a well-rehearsed examination technique. A precise, structured and systematic routine is paramount. This technique, as outlined in this book, ensures key steps of the clinical examination are not accidentally omitted and under the pressure of the examination it provides the candidate with a starting point and framework for any case that one may encounter.

Based on the highly successful Insider Medical MRCS Examination Clinical Course, this book facilitates the pathway for a novice clinician to pass this challenging examination. College-approved, systematic, coherent and well-rehearsed examination routine for all the main systems are included.

As well as providing examination routines approved by many college examiners, the chapters also provide insider tips on how to pass the examination and identify mistakes commonly made by many candidates.

OSCEs for the MRCS Part B prepares future surgeons for the challenges of clinical practice, through solid examination techniques and communication skills.



MCQs and EMQs in Surgery: A Bailey & Love Companion Guide (Hodder Arnold Publication) 1st Edition


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With over 1000 questions, MCQs and EMQs in Surgery is the ideal self-assessment companion guide to Bailey & Love’s Short Practice in Surgery. The book assists readers in their preparation for examinations and to test their knowledge of the principles and practice of surgery as outlined within Bailey & Love.

Sub-divided into 13 subject-specific sections, both MCQs and EMQs provide a comprehensive coverage of the surgical curriculum as well as the core learning points as set out in Bailey & Love:

Each section emphasises the importance of self-assessment within effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles, while while taking into account the latest developments in surgical practice.

MCQs and EMQs in Surgery is an excellent companion to Bailey & Love and provides a valuable revision tool for those studying for MRCS.



Operative Surgery Vivas for the MRCS 1st Edition


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This is a comprehensive study manual for the MRCS viva exam covering critical care, physiology, pathology, principles of surgery, anatomy and operative surgery. These topics are tested in a short exam requiring a broad knowledge base, and are provided in a clear concise format in this invaluable revision tool. The A-Z format means topics appear at random, mirroring the nature of the exam. For each operative procedure the basic principles, applied anatomy, indications and complications are discussed alongside an overview of technique. Frequently asked exam questions and practical tips for giving the fullest answer for the most marks are also included. Care has been taken to ensure compatibility with all UK syllabi, and inclusion of material required for equivalent exams internationally. An excellent source of information for use during personal study and self-testing and as a teaching aid.



Principles of Surgery Vivas for the MRCS 1st Edition


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Written for the Principles of Surgery viva of the MRCS exam by an examiner at both the London and Glasgow Colleges of Surgery and a successful recent MRCS candidate, Principles of Surgery Vivas for the MRCS provides the reader with sample viva questions to enable them to prepare fully for this section of the examinations. In A-Z format for quick reference, this book will be invaluable to MRCS candidates, undergraduate medical students and those sitting the FRCOG examinations. It will also serve as a valuable ‘aide memoire’ for the training surgeon or doctor at all levels of experience, especially those training junior staff.



Principles of Surgery Vivas for the MRCS 1st Edition


[amazon template=iframe image2&asin=0521699037]

Written for the Principles of Surgery viva of the MRCS exam by an examiner at both the London and Glasgow Colleges of Surgery and a successful recent MRCS candidate, Principles of Surgery Vivas for the MRCS provides the reader with sample viva questions to enable them to prepare fully for this section of the examinations. In A-Z format for quick reference, this book will be invaluable to MRCS candidates, undergraduate medical students and those sitting the FRCOG examinations. It will also serve as a valuable ‘aide memoire’ for the training surgeon or doctor at all levels of experience, especially those training junior staff.

Download this book free here


MRCS Part A: Essential Revision Notes: Book 2


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Provides the most up-to-date material, matching the MRCS syllabus, to aid preparation for the MRCS A examinations. The book covers every major subject in the MRCS syllabus; works systematically through every general surgical topic likely to appear in the exam; highlights important principles of Surgery; contains important lists and vital points; is clearly laid out with illustrations to aid understanding.

download this book free here


MRCS Part A: Essential Revision Notes: Book 1


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Provides the most up-to-date material, matching the MRCS syllabus, to aid preparation for the MRCS A examinations. The book covers every major subject in the MRCS syllabus; works systematically through every general surgical topic likely to appear in the exam; highlights important principles of Surgery; contains important lists and vital points; is clearly laid out with illustrations to aid understanding

Download this book free here


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